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make those changes, during the budget process. She stated she probably need to have some <br />additional staffing to keep up, and I think there is a misunderstanding and individuals don't know <br />who owns individual lots. When we had the storm, the trees were taken down, but the stumps <br />were not. The City does not take out the stumps. When it goes into the sidewalks, they can't <br />even walk because of what is happening. Councilmember Scott asked Clerk Fowler to share the <br />minutes from the third district walking tour with Mr. Perri. <br />Councilmember Scott clarified that they are the graffiti crew, too. <br />Mr. Perri asked if the parking study findings were filed with the Clerk's Office. <br />Clerk Fowler stated that it was not, they were still following up with Brian and having meetings. <br />The last meeting they had was with downtown business owners. <br />Mr. Perri stated he thinks we are close to making a recommendation after meeting with all of the <br />stakeholders. Mr. Perri stated he understands the Council's desire to see all of the user fee <br />increases come through at once. <br />Committee Chair White said we need to look at the entire picture rather than a piecemeal <br />version. <br />Committeemember Voorde was under the impression that we needed another parking garage, <br />then he heard that early results showed we wouldn't need another parking garage. <br />Mr. Perri stated the parking study took into consideration that we have a growing demand, but it <br />did say that we have the. capacity, but there are some programmatic changes we need to make. <br />We have too much reserved parking, so we need to change some of those habits. The only way <br />to change those habits is to increase fees on reserved rates, but there are different things we can <br />do. We can get rid of some of the parking time limits on the outskirts, the further away you get <br />from the core. In the coming weeks we'll want to get something officially filed with the <br />Council, which has been on the docket, but he was just not sure of the timing of it. <br />Mr. Perri continued with his presentation, pointing out the idea that parks touches so many <br />things, including social equality. Councilmember's Scott and Williams- Preston spoke about the <br />sentiments that it was a good experience the way we worked with Fremont Park. There are other <br />programs that take that to another level. For example, there is a program that when there is a <br />park redesign, they employ high school students and they teach and have them run the public <br />meetings, pair them with landscape architects and colleges so they can learn about how to do <br />storm water management. They can get class credit through a partnership with the schools. We <br />heard from a young woman who graduated from landscape architecture as a result of doing this <br />program when she was in high school. There are all kinds of engagement things, and we are just <br />scratching the surface. <br />Included in the Council's packet are overview budget items. Some are big picture, but the idea is <br />that on the revenue and expense side, approximately nineteen percent (19 %) of our revenue we <br />18 <br />