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tackle certain areas in their districts. We're open to ideas and suggestions there, it is something <br />we can't solve by just throwing money at, we are really going to have to look at ordinances and <br />programs, and give a lot of thought to how we deal with those. There is a human element, too, <br />when it comes to people not being able to keep up with property that people didn't even know <br />were theirs. <br />Councilmember Broden asked with regard to specialization within this department, there are <br />things that rise to the level of skill trades, so how are we positioned with current staff and going <br />forward, and just in general, that switch, how difficult will it be to switch gears to get the right <br />people plugged into the right job titles. <br />Mr. Perri explained that the Parks Department has historically had a skilled trades unit with <br />carpenters, painters, and electricians. The areas that haven't had access to that are things like the <br />Morris, the Palais, Century Center, the parking garages, that's where we had the jack of all <br />trades. Now that they are all in the same department, those entities will have access to all of that. <br />We will be hiring new folks and we are repurposing some new positions. We'll bring on an <br />HVAC specialist and a horticulturalist, there is a real need for that level of care and thought. <br />All of the skilled trade positions are union, so there are robust training programs involved <br />through the unions. <br />Councilmember Broden asked where we've been on the development side. She asked if there is <br />still a board overseeing that, is there a foundation, or are we parking those dollars somewhere <br />where it is easy for donors to give. <br />Mr. Perri stated that in the budget, we do have a director of development position that just never <br />came to fruition. The idea would be to give that person the resources they need. They're <br />purposefully on the team with the volunteer coordinator and the marketing folks, the press writer, <br />to be able to work closely together. <br />When we talk about Venues, Parks and Arts, there are so many areas such as Neighborhood <br />Development, arts and culture, ecological needs, public health, there are so many dollars out <br />there that are available that we haven't even tried to obtain. Mr. Perri expressed that he has high <br />expectations for the position. <br />Councilmember Broden asked if that would be one (1) person at this time, Mr. Perri explained <br />that it would be one and a half. <br />Councilmember Broden asked what their domain would be, or if there will be some priorities out <br />of the gate for this person. <br />Mr. Perri stated he does not have a plan laid out for them, but it will depend on this person's <br />background and skillset, things of that nature. He stated he will lean on this person to help <br />devise that plan. We don't even have a bench naming program, there is no way to park that <br />money right now. <br />15 <br />