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Councilmember Scott asked how it will work with the projects each entity was working on on <br />their own. The DTSB Board used to report to Community Investment, he asked if they now will <br />report to Parks. <br />Mr. Perri stated correct, the contract between DTSB will no longer be between them and <br />Community Investment, it will now be contracted through Venues, Parks and Arts. <br />Clerk Kareemah Fowler asked if that would include the downtown parking, and Mr. Perri stated <br />that is correct, it will be contracted through Venues, Parks and Arts. DTSB's Board will remain <br />intact and whole, it will remain a third party public private partnership. This division will be <br />able to service them more so than the one staff person they historically got. Now they'll have <br />access to a whole team of folks. DTSB won't disappear, Morris won't disappear, and they will <br />all be better resourced by aligning their services. <br />Councilmember Broden asked a question regarding the areas that would be mowed by the new <br />department. <br />Mr. Perri stated that the idea of central mowing is going to be taken to the nth degree next year, <br />and we're going to have this team take complete control of it for the entire City. John Martinez <br />is the guy who raised his hand and said we can do this. <br />Councilmember Broden asked if we would see a substantial increase. <br />Mr. Perri stated the dollars will still flow through the same channels they always have, and we'll <br />do them as rebillables. That's what we've done this year to some degree. <br />Councilmember Broden stated we've been touring a lot of vacant lots as a Council, but a lot of <br />overgrowth, it is not just bushes and lawns that are really safety hazards, and then become <br />dumping areas. When we say vacant lots, sometimes it's beyond grass. <br />Mr. Perri stated one of the struggles with contracting that service out is that you contract a firm <br />to go mow a particular spot of grass, and there are seven - hundred (700) to nine - hundred (900) <br />properties, and they go and mow just the perimeter they were shown and ignore everything <br />outside of it, the idea of having more control, and our people who have the level of service <br />standards be at a point that is really common sense for the neighborhoods, as opposed to a, <br />contractor showing up and mowing forty (40) square feet that they were contracted for. I think <br />that is a level of service that we will be able to attack more effectively than we've seen in the <br />past. <br />The idea of trees and overgrowth, I know Councilman Scott has brought this up a few times, <br />which is one that we really have to look at. As a community, we really haven't tackled the idea <br />of urban forests that turn into jungles. That is one that is important that we continue to talk <br />about, to what level we want to enforce the care for those. Sometimes people don't even realize <br />the pieces of property they are responsible for, in terms of right -of -ways and things like that. <br />Programmatically, we can talk about budgeting or thinking about the curb and sidewalk program, <br />where there can be the idea of things that each council district has access to in order to help <br />14 <br />