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08-29-16 Personnel and Finance
Common Council
Committee Meeting Minutes
Personnel and Finance
08-29-16 Personnel and Finance
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4/21/2017 3:45:22 PM
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11/18/2016 9:25:01 AM
City Council - City Clerk
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Committee Mtg Minutes
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has been a forty -one percent (41%) increase in calls due to yard waste container requests. The <br />staff does a great job handling ninety percent (90 %) of the calls within SLA times. <br />For 2016, the revenues for Solid Waste are slightly above expenses. In 2017 we are projecting a <br />significant increase in revenues and a couple hundred thousand dollars in revenues in excess of <br />expenses for trying to build back up our fund balance which was significantly below what our <br />reserve requirement was. Expenses from 2016 to 2017 are up about $16,000. Most of that was <br />increases in personnel related to benefit costs. Our ending cash balance for the Solid Waste fund <br />is climbing rather quickly back to where we need it. Our reserve requirement is right around $1. ] <br />million which is twenty -five percent (25 %) of operating expenses. <br />For 2017, we have significant capital spending lined up to provide additional containers and <br />some newer trucks to replace our old trucks with new CNG trucks. All the departments are trying <br />to have better cost accounting across the board on things so we are charging other City <br />departments for trash, water, and sewer where we weren't before. This won't be a significant <br />dollar amount for these departments but we are trying to have a more accurate representation of <br />what actually happens and the cost of doing business. We have also found when the zoo started <br />paying for water and sewer that there is good reason to do this because it encourages <br />conservation. What we are trying to do is get to a more pure process of accounting. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner asked what is the aggregate revenue generated by applying these <br />costs to the various departments. <br />Mr. Horvath responded that he doesn't know the number but it is less than one -half percent (.5 %) <br />so not really a lot. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner asked which department will this affect the most. <br />Mr. Horvath responded probably the Fire Department and Parks Department. Mr. Horvath <br />moved onto the Central Services portion of the presentation. Central Services facilitates the <br />functionality of all City departments by servicing and maintaining the department's fleet of <br />vehicles, radio equipment, supplies and printing needs. In addition to handling the equipment for <br />the City, they do some other supplemental uses. We have about $88,000 in outside revenue year <br />to date and a billable rate of about ninety percent (90 %) which is pretty impressive. In 2016 <br />Equipment Services purchased and placed into service, sixty -one (6 1) bi- fueled police cars and <br />pick -up trucks. <br />Councilmember Williams- Preston asked what budget pays for the trucks. <br />Mr. Horvath responded that the cost comes from a bunch of different budgets which would be <br />Waste or Water and Parks which all go through Central Services. In 2016 the City of South <br />Bend, in partnership with Transpo, opened a CNG fast fill fueling station to be used by City <br />Departments. We have a slow fill station out on Riverside where they can connect for the night <br />but now with this we also have this fast fill just like a regular gas station. It is open to outside <br />users as well and we will get rates set for them and a revenue sharing agreement with Transpo. <br />We have not seen any use yet but we have a plan for marketing it in the future. <br />2 <br />
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