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We currently have three (3) different alternative phase two (2) options now being refined. Each <br />offers large cost savings compared to the previous plan. We our intending to have a finalized <br />phase two (2) plan due by the fourth quarter of 2016. At that point we will be able to sit down in <br />earnest with the EPA, Department of Justice, and IDEM. <br />As part of this process, the Administration and the Council created an ordinance regarding <br />disconnecting downspouts. Mr. Horvath asked all present to continue to get the word out <br />regarding that ordinance because we have a couple thousand downspouts still connected. There <br />is still significant work to do even though we have been really pushing this out to the community <br />but a lot of people still don't know about the program. The good thing for residents is the City <br />will do it for them for free up until the end of 2017 but after that during 2018 they have to do it <br />on their own at their own cost. After 2018 everyone should be disconnected. <br />Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked if there are any public service announcements being given <br />for this and what is the overall marketing push. <br />Mr. Horvath responded surely they could do public service announcements and he wasn't sure if <br />they had done any but that is a great idea and he will look into it. <br />Essentially we are still building our case and a large community coalition to clearly do what is <br />right for the City and environment in terms of cleaning up the river but we just want to do it at a <br />rate that is affordable for our citizens. We are also trying to demonstrate this will have a greater <br />disparate impact on some areas of the town than others. We are really trying to show this will <br />have a significant impact on some of the people in this community. We will have another update <br />on the plan at the end of September and go into some more detail then. <br />Mr. Horvath moved onto the Solid Waste portion of the presentation. Solid Waste delivers <br />collection services for trash, yard waste, and bulky items for all City residents. We did an <br />ongoing amnesty program for the recent flood. If folks had a bunch of stuff damaged they can <br />take it out to the curb and call 311 and we will pick it up on the same day as their trash pickup. <br />We have had about two - hundred (200) a day so far which shows the extent of the damage from <br />that rainfall. <br />Over half of our fleet has been converted to compressed natural gas (CNG). It is not only cleaner <br />burning but saves us money as well. We started a new yard waste program with the help of the <br />Council. The container program has been hugely successful as being a more efficient system for <br />us and not having our guys handling heavy bags of wet leaves. To date, we have delivered about <br />7,000 yard waste containers this year. That leaves us with a total of 15,000 containers out in our <br />system now. Also, at the same time we have reduced our trash misses by thirty -nine percent <br />(39 %) and increased the efficiency of our extra pickups by thirty -seven percent (37 %). These are <br />all things with 311 we are able to track now where previously we did not have that capability. <br />We average about 33,000 customers and about 29,000 tons yearly. We have had about 3,000 <br />extra pickups for yard waste. This is the program where once a month you can do a special <br />pickup beyond what will fit in the container. We also have extra trash pickups available. There <br />