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Council Attorney Cekanksi- Farrand asked if there is a format for the stipulations. So that <br />everything raised at the APC public meeting and everything being raised now, gets <br />appropriately added to the ordinance. <br />Councilmember White asked for Angela Smith to explain the secondary approval <br />process. She wants to make sure that the Council and public have a clear idea of the <br />processes and-logistics involved in the petition. <br />Mrs. Smith responded that this is precisely why the APC changed the PUD process. It is <br />too complicated and there's no other way to record what was presented beside minutes. <br />So, interpretation becomes a major issue of concern, especially, since design stipulations <br />need to be extremely precise which is difficult to do under PUDs. <br />Councilmember Tim Scott agreed that the process has become too complicated and <br />encouraged the Planning Team, Area Plan Commission and the petitioner to make sure <br />that they're all communicating with one another. The miscommunication has led to <br />misinformation being given to the public which is a poor reflection on the City. He <br />argued that it's important that we get this exactly right. <br />Committee Chair Davis requested that the email Mr. Corcoran sent to the Council be <br />presented to the public as well, and asked how that information becomes public. <br />Council Attorney Cekanski - Farrand shared that information is made public through the <br />City Clerk's Office and can be picked up as a hard copy in the Clerk's Office. <br />The Clerk's Office clarified that information formally submitted to the record could be <br />located on the Council website. <br />Committee Chair Davis mentioned that he was concerned that nothing submitted to <br />Council at this time is a binding commitment. <br />Mrs. Smith reiterated that anything represented at the public hearing would have to <br />become a part of the updated ordinance. <br />Councilmember White followed up with Tim Corcoran to ensure that the Pointe <br />Apartments received proper notice and is well aware of the development and its impacts <br />given the implications. <br />David Matthews, 215 E. Colfax Ave. - owner of Matthews, LLC and petitioner. Mr. <br />Matthews spent some time explaining the Regional Cities Grant, the process, the purpose <br />and how Matthews, LLC was awarded the grant. He is excited about the potential of the <br />Regional Cities Program and the implications it has on our downtown and the Michiana <br />region at large. The project he proposed includes a full- service grocery store and <br />pharmacy for downtown South Bend which is currently a food dessert and doesn't have a <br />pharmacy for upward of a two (2) miles radius. Mr. Matthews displayed before and after <br />photographs of other Matthews, LLC projects. He stressed that Matthews, LLC focuses <br />in <br />