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Tim Corcoran, Dept. of Community Investment- 14th Floor, wanted to clarify the <br />department's support of the project despite the unfavorable recommendation submitted to <br />the Office of the City Clerk. The original plan, Mr. Corcoran explained did not include <br />much detail, so the initial Planning staff comments were based on that level of <br />information. Once the department had further information, it was able to make a better <br />recommendation to the Area Plan Commission. The developer committed to providing <br />the following elements prior to the Area Plan Commission meeting: additional open <br />space next to the existing Commerce Center and at the Side -Door Deli, appropriate <br />ground floor activation with a new entry on LaSalle, adequate windows along LaSalle, a <br />multiple fagade, appearance as opposed to one repetitious fagade, maximizing solar <br />access to units facing the parking garage since non - residential units could face the garage, <br />and appropriate signage. Solar access and shadowing on The Pointe remains an <br />unaddressed concern despite no complaint from the Pointe. <br />Committee Chair Davis asked if the aforementioned points were submitted to Council by <br />email. <br />Mr. Corcoran replied, yes. <br />Councilmember White asked a question regarding why the initial recommendation <br />changed and the timeline of events. <br />Mr. Corcoran explained that the City Planning Team always contended that they could <br />support the project if some of the issues were addressed. Since the petitioner addressed <br />these concerns, the Planning Team was happy to amend their stance. Unfortunately, these <br />commitments were received the evening before the Area Plan Commission meeting. He <br />went on to clarify that any commitments presented to the Area Plan Commission can now <br />become a part of the ordinance. <br />Committee Chair Davis asked Angela Smith to confirm whether or not the ordinance <br />could be updated by the petitioners' presentation. <br />Angela Smith, Area Plan Commission- 11th Floor County- City Building. Confirmed that <br />everything represented to the public in the Area Plan Commission is a part of the record <br />and can be used to update the ordinance and become a part of the secondary PUD <br />approval process. <br />Committee Chair Davis asked if Council would get an updated ordinance inclusive of the <br />details presented to Area Plan. <br />Mrs. Smith responded that there will be minimal updates to the ordinance. There's <br />record of the ground floor activation and adding additional entrances to LaSalle Ave., but <br />given the nature of PUDs there's no specific, quantifiable details to add to the ordinance <br />as opposed the general representation presented in the elevation. <br />3 <br />