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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />incorporated area of the county. We’ve got a couple different zoning classifications from B- <br />Business and residential. We’d like to bring the entire parcel in as CB community business. This <br />would allow for the grocery store and also the existing restaurant. That’s one of the things we’re <br />asking the council this evening to do. The second is to actually rezone the property and that is <br />consistent zoning under the city guidelines what we are required to do in this particular <br />development is we need to have community business zoning to allow for the both grocery store <br />and to allow for the continued operation of the restaurant. The site plan that you see before you <br />this evening covers about 8.5 acres of ground there are access points on Western Ave. which is an <br />existing access point. There are a couple of existing access points off of Mayflower Rd. of which <br />one is existing. The one where we are proposing a new one is down at the South East corner and <br />the last one is an opening on to Hollywood Blvd. <br /> <br />The site was laid out to orient the building which is approximately 40,000 sq. ft. toward Mayflower <br />Rd. The back of the building would be toward the residential area or toward Hollywood Blvd. <br />The main access point for this development is to come off of Mayflower Rd. We have an opening <br />there that shows, basically, an entrance with a right turn coming in and a left turn going out. As <br />part of the process that we went through for development of this property, we actually went to the <br />county council first to request a vacation of Huron St. Which was a sixty (60) foot wide dedicated <br />right-away that went between Mayflower Rd. and Hollywood Blvd. It was a straight shot between <br />th <br />those two streets. September 8 we met with the County Council and through the process we were <br />about to get that street vacated with a nine (9) to zero (0) vote. The reason we had gone through <br />the vacation process was to bring this all in as one parcel of ground. We also worked with the <br />adjacent which is the West Winds Tavern at the South East corner of the site. We worked out a <br />consideration were we did our design work so it allowed him to have access to our main drive <br />away as well. <br /> <br />His one concern was that some of the patrons from his particular establishment restaurant and <br />tavern actually used Huron St. to go out to Hollywood Blvd. One of their concerns was to make <br />sure there was access for his business from his particular facility at the Southeast corner of our <br />property over to Hollywood Blvd. The way this plan is to take that into consideration we did it in <br />such a way to make it more difficult for traffic coming from off Mayflower Rd. over to Hollywood <br />Blvd. As Matthew had also mentioned as part of the development we asked for several variances <br />for the development itself. The major ones that we worked with the staff on was for mitigation <br />between this site and the residential property to the West and to the South. As Matthew had <br />mentioned along Hollywood Blvd. we are doing a couple different things. Behind the building or <br />toward the Westside and along Hollywood Blvd. we are going to be putting up screening. There’ll <br />be a slight berm there were you see that green area on the overhead, along with evergreen trees <br />and a solid screening fence. The reason for that was to mitigate any visual if you were looking <br />from those residential to our site but also for a sound barrier. To the south there was an existing <br />home, we again added some additional landscaping along there. We also had a retention area so <br />that gave us a buffer area between that existing house and where any of the parking areas were or <br />to the proposed building that you see. <br /> <br />We actually worked again with the tavern owner because of the way the city ordinances are the <br />tavern is actually zoned residential. That would have required evergreen screening along his entire <br />boundary between his property and our property. He didn’t want that, he wanted to make that his <br />property and also have visibility from Mayflower Rd. So one of our variances that they actually <br />requested from the Plan Commission was to be allowed to use lower shrubs along our southeast <br />boundary between our property and West Winds Tavern. We tried to work with him to be able to <br />take that into consideration. He was satisfied with the result of our particular design. As far as <br />drainage will go on this particular site we will be held to the City standards of the site itself is <br />going to be filled in the area where you see the parking lot and the building. We will have a <br />combination of a French drain system for surface run off and retention area that is required by the <br />City of South Bend. Their requirement basically states whatever your impervious surfaces be it <br />building or parking areas that you have to meet certain drainage standards and you have to hold <br />those on your property. It is not allowed to run off-site. So, this plan will take that into account <br />when we get to the final site plan stage, assuming that we receive the project approval. One of the <br />other questions I believe that the Councilman had asked was has Martins Supermarket hired JPR <br />to go out and do a traffic study. After we had gone through the street vacation process with the <br />county, Raphael Morton, the Council President had asked me to have a meeting with County <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />