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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The area plan commission sends this to you with a favorable recommendation. At this time I’d be <br />happy to answer any questions. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White asked for questions from the committee. <br /> <br />Councilmember Valerie Schey- My questions for you are twofold, the annexation of this parcel do <br />we as a City already have water and sewer in the vicinity. <br /> <br />Mr. Chappuies: Yes we do. They will be connecting as part of the annexation process. <br /> <br />Councilmember Valerie Schey- Will we be just running from the main valve, is that convenient? <br /> <br />Mr. Chappuies: I can’t answer that. I believe that the petitioner may touch on that a little bit. <br />However there will be a presentation on the annexation process and that will be later this evening <br />by Mike Divita and I believe he’s here to answer those technical issue questions of what the City <br />will be investing in. <br /> <br />Councilmember Valerie Schey- The other question I had is I learned with some developments in <br />rd <br />the 3 District, the promise of the buffer, the bushes, there have been some businesses in the third <br />that haven’t upheld their commitment to putting the buffers, the tree buffer in. Is there any sort of <br />written commitment in this site plan that those trees will in fact be planted? <br /> <br />Area Plan Presenter: Yes there is. They are part of the variances that were approved by Area Plan <br />Commission. What you see on the screen and what I described as well is required as part of this <br />bill passing. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis- First of all the traffic, could you talk about the traffic study? There <br />is a great concern regarding adding more traffic on the corner of Western Ave and Mayflower. <br /> <br />Mr. Chappuies: I do understand that that is a concern and I am aware the city is requiring the <br />developer to pay for a traffic analysis. However, the details of that I will leave that up to the <br />petitioner as well as the department of community investment. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis- Also I would like for you or the petitioner to talk about the <br />Hollywood Blvd. traffic and rationale of why that back entrance has to remain open. Is there any <br />other consideration for that to be closed? Could you shed some light on that topic? <br /> <br />Area Plan Presenter: It is my understanding that city engineering requested that access remain on <br />Hollywood Blvd. for access for emergency vehicles and evacuation, things of that nature. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis- Is there anyone from City Engineering who can present on that? I <br />asked for them to be here tonight. I really needed that to be coming from a city engineer. A lot of <br />residents have asked me about that. We’ve had meetings about that. That was a key thing and <br />their public works director heard about that this afternoon. Those officials are here now? Thank <br />God. I appreciate it. I had a lot of issues about that coming up. Does he want to talk about that <br />now or does he want to talk about that then, after the petitioner? We’re going to hear from our <br />public works. I have questions for him regarding those matters. We’ll have questions with the <br />public works director so he can address all the Hollywood Blvd. issues and to see if there is any <br />possibility of any leeway on that. And say if that we can have our emergency routes come in there <br />without having to cause traffic problems for our neighbors. And yet Martin’s can still move <br />forward with their proposal. That’s what I’m hoping to hear at the end of this. <br /> <br />Committee of the Whole Chairperson White- Thank you very much. Thank you for your <br />presentation. We ask that the petitioner come forward. State your name and address. I would also <br />like for a city representative to be ready to respond to some the questions that were addressed <br />earlier this afternoon. <br /> <br />Mike Danch (Danch and Danch) South Bend, Indiana- As Matthew had mentioned what we are <br />asking to do are two things this evening. The first one is we are asking this property to be annexed <br />into the City of South Bend. As Matthew had mentioned the property right now is in the <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />