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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />business traffic. They actually don’t compete against each other. What we found is talking with <br />the convention center they wanted this type of property in their set. It is mid-priced in relative <br />terms. We don’t actually believe that it will take away but actually support each other. What <br />typically happens is if the double tree is full that type of property will send guest to this and vice <br />versa. <br /> <br />To question about LEED or environment friendliness the property is not seeking LEED <br />certification. LEED certification for a remodel is a challenging thing as logical as you might <br />think that it is. From an energy perspective we are doing tremendous things. The lighting will <br />be LED. It’s going to be an open air garage, natural ventilation versus the fans. The lighting is <br />just superior in that sense. The heating and cooling system for the whole building will be a <br />closed loop heat pump system. It’s essentially the most efficient that we have other than if we <br />had outsourced thermal. A Loft as a company and the products they require are all of a green <br />nature. The residential from our firm perspective will be in a similar state. In our terms it would <br />certainly quality for LEED certification or higher, at least silver by default. The plan of attack at <br />this point is that the garage would be the immediate start because we have some structural issues, <br />as well as releasing the windows so we can do the windows. <br /> <br />The windows are going to take the better part of a year to replace. The lead time on glass in the <br />national market is a long time. The elevator contract would be let as well. The elevator lead time <br />is about 16 weeks, that on approval of shop drawing so you add another 4 months on to that. The <br />goal is have all those in place so that when we are doing the heavy construction there is a place <br />for workers to park, there is a way to go up and down the building and it’s water tight. The intent <br />is that the entire tower is being worked on simultaneously. Every similar system and such. It <br />would come online all at once. We know the developer would like to have the hotel first if they <br />had to choose one or the other. They don’t compete against each other. There are separate <br />lobbies, entrances so it works out really well. The last thing to be filled up is the retail on the <br />ground floor. A lot of people will want to see the project first before they would undertake being <br />in the building. It’s all planned so one project can be done without interfering with the other. <br />There are separate elevators and the works. <br /> <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis- In the cellar since they have a kitchen down there will it be <br />available for rent for food trucks? <br /> <br />Petitioner: One of the benefits of the building was it had two commercial grade kitchens one on <br />the top and one on the bottom and we said let’s not do anything to demolish them. It’s actually a <br />full service catering kitchen. We are protecting it for future development whatever that might <br />be. We certainly don’t know. I am a personal fan of food trucks and in Detroit we know they are <br />a part of the living culture. <br /> <br />Mark Neal, Bradley Company- The owner is interested in keeping all options open including <br />food and restaurants. He does notice that there are tremendous opportunities because of all the <br />infrastructure. <br /> <br />Councilmember Henry Davis Jr. – Thank you for the investment I am looking forward to seeing <br />it. It looks like a beautiful building. This has been a long time coming. My questions are for <br />Mr. Gilling. I am interested in finding out the demographic report on this particular project as it <br />relates to all the other projects in the downtown area. I am interested in seeing how these projects <br />will bring people downtown. Where are they coming from are they working or retired folk? <br />Who are we marketing these new livable spaces to? There has to be a trend me and my <br />colleagues are not aware of. There is something that we are pushing at and I don’t know what <br />the timeline of that full plan is. Can you provide us with that report that says what that is? <br />Downtown South Bend 2020 all the apartments are filled most people are working in Red Sox <br />district. <br /> <br />th <br />Chris Fielding Presenter, Offices on the 14 FL- We have the Zimmerman- Bolt Study I can <br />send out to everybody. Anecdotally you keep seeing us bring residential, this is actually a <br />diversity hub, if you look at the Hoffman Hotel building we did a tax abatement for that is <br />actually the artist level population, it’s a low-income housing project but it’s dedicated <br />specifically to artists. The JMS and the LaSalle we will be the closest to the people who are <br />37 <br /> <br /> <br />