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REGULAR MEETING September 28, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Sam Centellas, 746 S. Meade St. - We’re excited, La Casa de Amistad has been promoting a lot <br />of development on the Westside, so we are just glad to see a business investing on the Westside of <br />town and putting in a great facility. It shouldn’t just be the other side of town that has great <br />facilities. We are thankful to Rob and his team who are continuing to support the Westside. <br /> <br />Mark Neal, 112 W. Jefferson Blvd.- When I first moved to South Bend in 1979 my Martin’s was <br />on Portage Ave., the original Martin’s. When we moved again my Martin’s became the Erskine <br />Plaza Martin’s. My Martin’s now is SR 23 and Ironwood and the quality of our community is in <br />part the strength of our local businesses. I think Martin’s has been a tremendous corporate citizen. <br />When you look at the all the things that they promote, the pride that they take in our community <br />and in their stores, I think that they’re just an outstanding local corporate citizen and deserve our <br />support. <br /> <br />Those wishing to speak in opposition: <br /> <br />Eric Kazmanski, 56921 Hollywood Blvd. - All these people that were in favor that’s a great thing <br />that they’re in favor, the thing they didn’t mention is they don’t live on Hollywood Blvd. and they <br />don’t live on Elmer St. The reason I am here today is because of concerns we have with the new <br />Martin’s store coming into our neighborhood. Our neighborhood now is a quiet neighborhood and <br />no doubt will be greatly impacted by this Martin’s. Mr. Oliver Davis and Mr. Henry Davis were <br />at our neighborhood meeting so they already know our issues that we were concerned and all that <br />we brought up at our neighborhood meeting, the biggest problem is the back entrance off of <br />Hollywood. <br /> <br />It’s really an unneeded traffic problem in our neighborhood. No other Martin’s has a back entrance <br />into a residential neighborhood I brought this up before they said 23 and Ironwood has one. I took <br />a ride there they have one little gate up about ten (10) feet off of Ironwood that goes into a <br />neighborhood that’s the back of their complex into a condo situation. There’s no residential house <br />down in that neighborhood and they’re not being impacted, they don’t have Grant Dr. slippage, all <br />the people coming from the west slipping into that street to cut through that gas station parking lot <br />to get into the Martin’s. Martin’s say they put a back entrance for the residents in our <br />neighborhood. The resident don’t want it. I think my wife mailed you a package with a petition <br />showing we don’t want that. So if they are doing it for us they’re doing us no favor. As far as the <br />tavern customers go they don’t live in our neighborhood either for the bulk of it. They don’t need <br />a little traffic thing to sneak out through our neighborhood. At the end of the county council <br />meeting County Council President Raphael Morton told Martin’s engineers he understands our <br />concerns and told him to call the City Engineering department and address these issues. He said <br />he did and I did talk to City Engineering and they told us it’s a county issue. I am little bit confused <br />on why it’s flip-flopping both way. I understand it’s a county road and a city property possibility. <br />The biggest thing is this back entrance, Mr. Danch says that they want a portion of the traffic to <br />slip on our road we don’t want that portion of that traffic. Why would we want that? I can stand <br />in my street for half an hour at a time and don’t have one car. I don’t want all those people down <br />my neighborhood. If you want to go to Martin’s you go around the front. As far as emergency, <br />okay, there is a place by UP mall where they had the same issue where all the traffic was cutting <br />through the neighborhood they put a crash gate up. If you have an emergency they can snap the <br />lock drive through it whatever they have to do. They don’t need this entrance open all the time just <br />for everybody to cut through our neighborhood. That’s really all I have to say. Thank you for your <br />time. <br /> <br />Diana Kazmanski, 56921 Hollywood Blvd.- Good evening members of the South Bend Common <br />Council. I hope you’ve had an opportunity to review the package of information I provided to your <br />office. In addition to Martin’s petition to annex and rezone the property located at Western, <br />Mayflower, and Hollywood Blvd., I’d like to bring up for your consideration preventing Martin’s <br />from having an access off of Hollywood Blvd. Allowing Martin’s to have an access off of <br />Hollywood Blvd., would jeopardize the safety of the residents living in the area and cause major <br />traffic problems. As you can see from the diagram Martin’s plans to build a drive-thru service for <br />customers to purchase coffee. As we all know traffic the drive-thru can back up quickly. As a <br />result drivers will have to wait on Hollywood Blvd. before accessing Martin’s. The residents who <br />live directly behind Martin’s will have to witness and deal with traffic congestion all day. The <br />second traffic problem is at the intersection of Hollywood Blvd. and Western. Holy Family <br />11 <br /> <br /> <br />