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REGULAR MEETING May 9, 2016 <br />expressed his delight that she agreed to join the City. The Mayor invited Ms. Brooks to introduce <br />herself formally to the Council <br />Christina Brooks, 17970 Buckland Dr., expressed her excitement and joy about joining the City <br />of South Bend and all the wonderful team members this City has assembled. She wanted to make <br />sure the Council is aware that she is very committed to making sure the Executive Order which <br />was issued in January is at the top of her priority list and has been actively meeting with several <br />departments and leadership across the City already. She hopes to have good early indicators of <br />results to report back to the Council shortly. Ms. Brooks provided the Council a brief overview <br />of her history in the area which began in 1988 when she attended the University of Notre Dame <br />as an undergraduate and then came back to South Bend about twelve (12) years ago. She is <br />raising her five (5) children here in South Bend and hopes to push forward the importance of <br />inclusion in the City. <br />The Mayor also highlighted that he had the pleasure of being a part of a wheelchair basketball <br />game and he wanted to make everyone aware that there is a wheelchair basketball league in <br />South Bend. They meet every Wednesday in the Memorial Health and Life Style Center. A <br />number of City employees, including Council President Tim Scott, was on the Mayor's team and <br />unfortunately they were defeated badly by the River City Rollers but it was an uplifting <br />experience. There are Vietnam Veterans who helped get the whole program started and a broad <br />range of other people participating even someone as young as a ten (10) year old boy. Their spirit <br />was truly inspiring and a reminder in all the different ways in which inclusion matters in making <br />sure that we are including people of all abilities. <br />Inclusion is also one of the reasons the Administration considered it important to establish <br />Downtown Wi -Fi and in the immediate Downtown area people can log on using the wifi network <br />SBOurGuest. We are at a time where everything from personal financial management to getting <br />school work done depends on getting online. This is an effort that can bridge that gap for some <br />people who do not currently have easy access to the web. It would not have been possible <br />without a partnership from the Community Foundation, a number of private donors and the St. <br />Joseph County Library who made a grant available to the City that they had applied for and <br />received. Now that the infrastructure is available there may be opportunities to expand it beyond <br />the immediate area. <br />The Mayor highlighted the Rise Up Academy, a program which helps people who have reached <br />the end of the line in terms of expulsions and suspensions from school and are getting one (1) <br />more chance. Also, it was an honor to be on hand for the United Religious Community Prayer <br />Breakfast which reminds us that every different community of faith has something to offer here <br />in South Bend. <br />The City also saw a number of presidential campaign visits over the previous weeks from all four <br />(4) of the major campaigns. These visits will have an impact on our budgets and the preliminary <br />numbers so far look like the cost will be around $40,251 in overtime for the Police. There will <br />also be overtime hours needed to be paid for the Fire Department and Streets and Public Works <br />Department as well. Once the numbers are finalized, the Administration will provide them to the <br />Council ` <br />South Bend was included in a trip organized by the Department of Transportation earlier in <br />April, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation invited three (3) mayors to accompany him on site <br />visits in Europe to see how streets are made in the complete streets style or Smart Streets as we <br />are calling them in South Bend. Those cites were Portland, Austin and South Bend and we <br />certainly appreciated being included in that delegation. In Amsterdam, there was already some <br />knowledge and praise for what South Bend is doing and we are continuing to develop a good <br />reputation even globally for some of the steps we are taking which would not have been possible <br />without the support from this Council. <br />The Mayor also informed the Council that May 17th 2016 will be an important day for the Smart <br />Streets project as the Bartlett and Marion intersections on Michigan will go offline for the <br />summer. This will not be an easy thing to manage and in order to mitigate those negative effects, <br />we are doing whatever we can to keep everyone informed. There is a Smart Streets website <br />offering real time updates as well as a newsletter going out to residents. The contract mechanism <br />2 <br />