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Committeemember Dr. Ferlic stated the department has been doing a great job with cutting <br />tickets but it has come at tax payer expense. There needs to be a better coordinated system. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated previously we did not have a mechanism to put people on continuous <br />enforcement but now we do which has been greatly helpful. If you are on continuous <br />enforcement the fine is also higher. <br />Committeemember Karen White asked who is responsible for the grass on the off -ramps of the <br />bypass and the islands on streets. <br />Mr. Wilkerson responded that would be the state's responsibility for the off -ramps and the street <br />department does all grass on islands on the roads. We don't really have much leverage for the <br />off -ramps but we will go out to do a minimal cut to improve line of sight if it is needed. <br />Committeemember Davis asked if there have been any issues with alleys this year. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated the big issue is manpower for alleys. We are proposing doing alley cut- <br />backs in this year's border. Hopefully that will stop uncontrolled dumping as well. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly stated he just wanted to express gratitude for seeing all the various <br />departments working together on grass cutting because it is such a visible issue. The amount of <br />work that is performed is very impressive. He thanked Mr. Wilkerson and the department for <br />being so receptive to the Council. <br />Mr. Wilkerson showed the Committee a new yellow plastic sign that will be put in yards where <br />continuous enforcement is taking place. We still have to send the property owner a letter but this <br />does serve as notification. It also helps the neighbors know the City is doing something about <br />troubled properties. <br />With no further business before the Committee, Committee Chair John Voorde adjourned the <br />meeting at 5:30 p. . <br />Respec ly Submi d, <br />Jo oorde, e`rso' <br />