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abatement property program. After we have ticketed the property we wait ten (10) days and if the <br />grass is still not cut we get them on the schedule for the crew to come out and cut the grass. The <br />iPads have worked wonderfully, now the crews can focus on specific neighborhoods at a time <br />rather than being scattered throughout the City which was very inefficient. <br />Committeemember Oliver Davis asked if there is anything that can be done about the type of <br />grass that has been planted on the vacant lots that grows so quickly. There seems to be two (2) <br />different types of grass that was planted on the vacant land and one (1) grows much quicker than <br />the other. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated when he became Director of Code Enforcement he switched the City's <br />grass seed to a slower and smaller grass. <br />Committeemember Davis asked who would be in charge of replanting grass in the areas that still <br />have the fast growing grass. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated it would have to be bid out because of the volume. It would be probably <br />about two hundred (200) lots that were planted before the change to clover seed was made. <br />Committeemember Davis asked if that is something he would suggest looking at and investing <br />in. <br />Mr. Wilkerson responded that some people think clover grass is a weed but anything you can do <br />to reduce the height of grass would be a good thing. It would be about a two (2) to three (3) year <br />process before the total effect of the change would be visible. <br />Committeemember Dr. Fred Ferlic stated the last Council worked really hard on trying to solve <br />this issue about people not mowing their lawns. We worked very hard to get that process solved. <br />We should be mowing less lawns as long as these citations are being issued. He asked how many <br />citations have been sent to the Legal Department. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated he does not have the full information at hand but as of today there have <br />been two hundred and fifty (250) citations sent to the Legal Department. <br />Committeemember Dr. Ferlic stated we need to be more aggressive with this enforcement. If we <br />look at the books of the past ten (10) years the City has lost millions of dollars on this issue. At <br />the budget meeting we should get all this information. Every lot has an owner and every owner <br />should be responsible for mowing their grass. <br />Mr. Wilkerson stated when the crew cuts the grass that generates the fine for the ticket and the <br />invoice for cutting the grass. If they don't pay it, Code Enforcement is responsible for sending <br />the invoice for the cutting of the lawn to collections while the Ordinance Violations Bureau is <br />responsible for sending the actual ticket to collections. We have done approximately 2,000 cuts <br />this year. <br />2 <br />