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District. This bill comes to the Council with a favorable recommendation from the Area Plan <br />Commission. Redevelopment of the site for single family and townhome style residential will <br />strengthen the existing Howard Park Neighborhood and address a demand for urban housing as <br />identified by local developers, real estate professionals and the Howard Park Neighborhood Plan. <br />No one spoke in opposition at the Area Plan Commission meeting. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner asked if this is the same level of Multi Family that was <br />expected or if this project evolved into more intense usage. <br />Larry Magliozzi, Executive Director of the Area Plan Commission with offices on the 11th Floor <br />of the County -City Building, responded by stating the original concept was mostly single family <br />but they were more compact. This bill relates to three (3) areas that have changed from the <br />original proposal because additional property was purchased to the north. That additional <br />property allowed for three (3) pods of higher density. They are U shaped buildings and serve as <br />attached single family residences, more like a townhouse concept. <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner stated he remembered intense discussion and involvement from the <br />neighborhood when the plan was chosen. He asked if everyone is now satisfied with this <br />proposal. <br />Mr. Chapman responded that there was no opposition at the meeting. <br />Committeemember Gavin Ferlic stated originally there were three (3) proposals, one (1) was <br />fully single family, another was fully multi - family and this proposal was a hybrid of both single <br />and multi - family zoning. This petitioner always planned on having a mix of the two (2). <br />Councilmember Dr. Varner stated if no one objects to it then obviously the neighborhood is <br />satisfied. This does seem considerably denser than what was originally approved. <br />Mr. Magliozzi stated there was some higher density buildings but this is slightly denser than <br />previously approved. <br />Brian McMorrow, Abonmarche Consultants 750 Lincoln Way East South Bend, served as the <br />petitioner for this bill on behalf of River Walk LLC. Mr. McMorrow provided images of what <br />the designed area will look like once completed, those images are on file with the City Clerk's <br />Office. The property recently purchased to the north of the original tract of land is 1.1 acres. That <br />extra ground added to the project has allowed us to have increased density up near Wayne St. <br />and then decreasing it towards the river. It is the same general mix of housing types that we had <br />before but we do need some of these zoning changes to allow for the changes made due to the <br />new property. This proposal has a density of probably a few more units per acre but given the <br />additional land acquired it is pretty comparable. In the end we want to have front and side yards <br />for the homes as well as other green areas around each of the homes. <br />Committeemember John Voorde asked where the parking will be for the town house style <br />buildings. <br />3 <br />