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Name Page count Template name
No. 2707 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Dorothy Medich, 823 W. Indiana Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2708 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Anthony Pierre Ross, 1519 S. Kemble Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2709 approving/accepting a counteroffer for the acquisition of property in the SSDA ‎(Afifeh Bullard by Shabib Fakhouri, 748 Hawbaker St.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2710 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(1st Source Leasing, Inc., Maplewood Dr., Lot 36)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2712 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(JVH, Inc., 1313 Prairie Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2713 approving/accepting a counteroffer for the acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(JVH, Inc., 1313 Prairie Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2714 related to acquisition of property in the SSDA ‎(David A. Cuila, 4215 S. Main St.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2715 approving/accepting a counteroffer for the acquisition of property in the SSDA ‎(David A. Cuila, 4215 S. Main St.)‎[Icon] 4
No. 2716 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Arlenia Washington, 1510 S. Kemble Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2717 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Rebel Properties, LLC, 1515 S. Kemble Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2718 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Betty Smith, formerly known as Betty Thomas, 1525 S. Kemble Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2719 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Thaumaturgus, Inc., 621 W. Indiana Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2720 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Craig Ungerecht, 1506 S. Catalpa St.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2721 approving/accepting a counteroffer for the acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Craig Ungerecht, 1506 S. Catalpa St.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2722 determining to proceed with redemption of the presently outstanding adjustable rate demand TIF revenue bonds, series 2006 ‎(Erskine Commons Project)‎[Icon] 5
No. 2723 approving/authorizing the execution of an addendum to the Master Agency Agreement ‎(Studebaker Demolition - Phase IV)‎[Icon] 5
No. 2724 approving/authorizing the execution of an addendum to the Master Agency Agreement ‎(Brownfields Remediation pursuant to the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Grant Agreement for Vacant Land ‎(former railroad property)‎)‎[Icon] 9
No. 2725 approving/authorizing execution of an addendum to the Master Agency Agreement ‎(Brownfields Remediation pursuant to the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Grant Agreement for vacant land at the former Stamping Plant property[Icon] 9
No. 2726 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Jack & Sandra Kendall, 809-813 W. Indiana Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2727 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Thaumaturgus, Inc., 605 W. Indiana Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2728 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Rosa Perez, 1528 S. Kemble Ave.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2729 related to acquisition of property in the AEDA ‎(Maria Del Carmen, Palma-Diaz, 1510 S. Chapin St.)‎[Icon] 3
No. 2730 approving an application for real property tax deduction ‎(902 N. St. Peter St.)‎[Icon] 4
No. 2731 approving/authorizing the execution of an addendum to the Master Agency Agreement ‎(Blackthorn Golf Cart Bid)‎[Icon] 5
No. 2732 approving/authorizing the execution of an addendum to the Master Agency Agreement ‎(Wayne St. Parking Garage Repair Assessment)‎[Icon] 18
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