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#60- Deed; Lasalle Ave from W line of Sunnyside Sub to Sunnyside Ave[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#600- Deed; Quit Claim - north half of lot 19 in samuel C stull's 'south park' add[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#601 - Deed; Quit Claim - part of lots 96 and 97 on the recorded plat of commissioners subdivision of bank out lot #79 of the 2nd plat of out lots of the town[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#602 - Deed; Warranty - entire west side of lot 35 and 10ft E and W off of and from entire E side of lot 34 of roseland park add[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#603 - Deed; Warranty - part of Bol K 104[Icon] 5 Board of Public Works
#604 - Deed; lot 7 in wenger's 5th add to the city of south bend , 530 east wenger street[Icon] 5 Board of Public Works
#605 - Deed; quit claim - lot 48 of mary harris 3rd sub of bank out lot no. 97 of the 2nd plat of out lots of the town[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#606 - Deed; Quit claim- west half of lot 16 in John F. Kirby's add[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#607 - Deed; Quit Claim - part of lot 23, original plat of the town[Icon] 5 Board of Public Works
#608 - Deed; quit claim - lot no. 21 in stull's 2nd add[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#609 - Deed; quit claim - lot no. 160 in George W. Swygart's Second add[Icon] 7 Board of Public Works
#61- Deed; Sunnyside ave from Jefferson Blvd to McKinley Ave - superseded by deed No. 76[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#610 - Deed; quit claim - lot 1 dubail and keltners sub of lots 70-81[Icon] 6 Board of Public Works
#611 - Deed; Warranty - south half of lot no. 10 of samuel C. Stull's first add[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#612 - Deed; Quit claim - lot no 18 , pleasant home addition[Icon] 5 Board of Public Works
#613 - Deed; Quit claim - lot no 40, raff, sibley, and fassnacht's linden place add. Entire length of the north side of lot 40[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#614 - Deed; a parcel of land located in the south west one fourth of the northeast quarter of section 30, township 37 north,range 3[Icon] 12 Board of Public Works
#615 - Deed; release and quitclaim - lot no. 103 of Martin L Wenger's 5th add[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#616 - Deed; Executor Deed- Lot No.6 of clement studebaker's oak grove add aka 222 n. O'brien St[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#617 - Deed; Warranty Deed - lot nos. 29 and 30, fairview second add- retention basin lagoon A[Icon] 5 Board of Public Works
#618 - Deed; Quitclaim - part of lot 24 in plat of susan m stokes sub of bank out lot no 96 aka 521.5 walnut street[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#619 - Deed; quitclaim - part of lot no 10 and 11 on plat of wall and hines sub of the north part of bank out lot no 90 of the 2nd plat of out lots of south bend[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#620 - Deed; quit claim - part of lot no. 123 as shown on the recorded plat of edward h rush's first add to south bend[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#621 - Deed; Release and quit claim - From Hahn to City of South Bend- a Lot of land 50' wide, N and S, taken from the entire width of S. end of Lot 50 as shown on plat of Stull's 4th Add.[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#622 - Deed; quitclaim - From Personettes to City of South Bend- Lot 4 a shown on Plat of John F. Kirby's Add. To City, Ex. A lot of land 92' long.[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
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