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#396- Deed; Inner Belt thoroughfare ‎(nw section)‎ portion of west side of lot #26, henrick and grant add. Along east side of leland ave just north of l.w.w.[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#397- Deed; Inner Belt thoroughfare ‎(nw section)‎ lots in witherill's subdivision fronting along northside of W. Washington at intersection of chapin Street[Icon] 11 Board of Public Works
#398- Deed; Sewer Easement btwn Mayflower road and summit drive along north line of belleville add[Icon] 5 Board of Public Works
#399- Deed; Fire sation ‎(proposed site)‎ on south side of ireland road just west of intersection of miami road[Icon] 9 Board of Public Works
#4 - Deed; Albert Street, from Michigan St., East[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#40- Deed; Lincoln Way West and Taylor Street Southeast Corner[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#400- Deed; Storm water retention basin, near intersection of ireland road and ironwood road[Icon] 9 Board of Public Works
#401 - Deed; Laurel Street and western ave, portion along south west corner[Icon] 6 Board of Public Works
#402 - Deed; Fire Station ‎(proposed)‎, ireland road, south of intersection of south lafayette blvd[Icon] 26 Board of Public Works
#403 - Deed; widening of alley btwn fremont street and olive street and .25 block north of L.W.W.[Icon] 2 Board of Public Works
#404 - Deed; Alley, widening of intersection of alleys btwn allen street and sherman ave and oak street and L.W.W.[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#405 - Deed; ireland Road and miami Road, widened portion in the NW corner[Icon] 11 Board of Public Works
#406 - Deed; Lot midway btwn stull st and garst street on west side of lafayette[Icon] 11 Board of Public Works
#407 - Deed; Easement - lafayette blvd N from Ireland road along east side of Wheel Horse Products inc[Icon] 13 Board of Public Works
#408 - Deed; Inner Belt thoroughfare ‎(nw section)‎ - Portion of lot along Scott Street between L.W.W. and Oak Street[Icon] 3 Board of Public Works
#409 - Deed; Sewer Easement - Running South 350 ft from south line of Ireland road approx 200 ft West of West line of Miami Road[Icon] 1 Board of Public Works
#41- Deed; Scott Street, rounding off corner at Portage Ave[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#410 - Deed; Easement along E line of Olive Street Immediately North of North Line of Indiana Northern R. R. ROW[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#411 - Deed; Sample Street and Walnut Street southwest Corner of Intersection ‎(widening)‎[Icon] 9 Board of Public Works
#412 - Deed; Sample Street and Walnut Street South East corner of Intersection ‎(widening)‎[Icon] 9 Board of Public Works
#414 - Deed; Easement - south of ireland Road, West of US 31 South[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#415 - Deed; Easement along East line of Sec 26, t.37 N R 2E and north of ireland road[Icon] 8 Board of Public Works
#416 - Deed; Water main easement from the south line of corby along the east of st joseph river and the west line of michigan central r.r. row[Icon] 9 Board of Public Works
#417 - Deed; Easement - community School corp- NW quarter of ireland[Icon] 4 Board of Public Works
#418 - Deed; Progress Drive, extending btwn voorde drive and sheridan[Icon] 9 Board of Public Works
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