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.1 <br />Requested Variances: <br />The Petitioners have owned the real estate shown on the attached site plan for the past several <br />years. The property has been used for single- family. The owner is now at a point where they <br />desire to rezone the property and renovate the existing structure to use it for a professional office. <br />As part of the rezoning process, the Petitioner's representative met with the APC staff to discuss <br />the project and the proposed site improvements. The attached site plan reflects the proposed site <br />improvements, which includes the addition of a new parking lot to serve the office building. <br />Access to the parking lot is from an existing public alley located on the north line of the site. The <br />parking lot was centered between the north and south property lines which allows for the <br />maximum amount of landscape area to exist between the pavement and adjacent properties. <br />Based on the proposed use of the property and the layout shown, the Petitioners are requesting the <br />following Variances; <br />1) From the required 15' minimum side residential bufferyard to 13% <br />2) From the required landscaping of required perimeter yards and residential bufferyards to the <br />landscaping as shown on the site plan; and <br />3) From the required off - street parking area screenings to none. <br />The Petitioners would ask for approval of the above Variances for the following reasons: <br />1). From the required landscaping of required perimeter yards and residential bufferyards to the <br />landscaping as shown on the site plan. Due to the limited width of the property and the meeting <br />the City's minimum size requirements for parking spaces and driveways, the Petitioners have <br />proposed the use of a solid vinyl screening fence and the use of narrow evergreen trees. The <br />fencing will provide a sufficient visual screen of the proposed parking area from the adjacent <br />residential homes. There is an existing parking lot located along a portion of the north property <br />line which was previously approved in a residential district. No screening is believed to be <br />required between the two shown parking areas. The proposed fencing will tie to the existing <br />fencing that was done as part of previous rezoning and special use exception approval for the <br />properties located to the north of the Petition site. Along the west and south property lines fencing <br />will screen the proposed development from the existing residential uses and an evergreen screen <br />is proposed for a portion of the south property to provide a natural visual buffer from the <br />proposed parking area and the residential to the south. The Petitioners propose to add some new <br />over -story deciduous trees along the front and north side of the site as shown. They would ask to <br />be allowed to use the existing plants along the west and south property lines to meet the intent of <br />the Ordinance. Along the north property line there is an existing overhead power, telephone and <br />cable lines which would make it difficult to place trees in that utility area. Approval of this <br />variance should not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties. <br />2). From the required 15' minimum side residential bufferyard to 13'. The Petitioners worked with <br />the planning staff to locate the proposed parking behind the building as shown. The parking bay <br />was centered in the property to provide the maximum landscape buffer area between the proposed <br />parking spaces and the adjacent residential properties. The parking spaces would encroach <br />approximately 2 feet into the bufferyard area. With the proposed fencing and landscaping the <br />Petitioners believe this will provide improvements from the <br />residential properties. There will also be JF"kh k;6i the buffervard area to allow <br />the parking lot to have direct access t a put ' pprov, oft is vices <br />not have a negative impact on adjacen prop ies <br />JUL 2 0 2016 <br />JUL 0 5 2016 <br />KAREEMAH FOWLER AREA PLAN C <br />CITY CLERK, SPMJTH REND, IN 1CATION N( <br />