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3). From the required off - street parking area screenings to none. The Petitioners would ask not to <br />be required to add additional screening for the proposed parking bay as it will be screened by <br />proposed fencing and evergreen plant materials as shown. The only area not directly screened is <br />along the north where the parking on site is adjacent to existing parking. The Petitioners believe <br />they are meeting the intent of the ordinances with the proposed screening elements. Approval of <br />this variance should not have a negative impact on surrounding properties. <br />The Petitioners would contend that the strict application of the terms of the zoning ordinance <br />will constitute an unusual and unnecessary hardship as applied to the property for which the <br />Variances are sought: that the request for the Variances at this location arises from such condition <br />peculiar to the property involved and does not exist in similar property in the same zone: and that <br />the use or value of the area adjacent to the property described in the Petition for the Variances <br />will not be adversely affected: and that the granting will not be injurious to the public health, <br />safety, morals, or general welfare of the community. <br />Filed in Clerk's Office <br />JUL 20 2016 <br />KAREEMAR FOWLER <br />CITYCLER" ary REND, IN <br />F I L <br />JUL 0 5 2016 <br />AREA PLAN COMMISSION <br />AMICATION <br />