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SPECIAL MEETING <br />,. <br />AUGUST 7, 2006 <br />~'~9 <br /> 22' Wide (Includes Tack. Coat & <br />Stri ing) <br /> Lum Sum for Entire Project $57,472.70 <br />BROOKS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. <br />625 South Beiger Street <br />Mishawaka, Indiana 46544 <br />i <br />1 <br />Quotation was submitted by Mr. Harold Joy <br />QUOTATION: <br />No. Description Amount Unit Cost Total <br />1 Remove Designated Asphalt <br />Pavement 1805 sy $5.45 $9,837.25 <br />2 Replaee~••; Designated Asphalt <br />Pavement 1805 sy $15.25 $27,526.25 <br />3 Resurface Designated Asphalt <br />Pavement 6,667 sy $5.30 $35,335.10 <br /> Total $72,698.60 <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Littrell, seconded. by Mr. Inks -and carried, the above <br />Quotations were referred to Water Works for review and recommendation. <br />AWARD BID -KENSINGTON FARMS/CREST MANOR BASIN DRAINAGE AND <br />STORAGE IMPROVEMENTS - PROJECT NO. 105-OI3 (SEWER BOND) <br />Mr. Jason Durr, Engineering, advised the Board that on July 17, 2006, bids were received <br />and opened for the above referred to project. After reviewing those bids, Mr. Durr <br />recommends that the Board award the contract to Herrman & Goetz dba Underground <br />Services, 225 South Lafayette Boulevard, South Bend, in the amount of $796,653.33, <br />which is the base bid: only. Therefore, Mr. Littrell • made a motion that the <br />recommendation be accepted and the bid be awarded as outlined above. Mr. Inks <br />seconded the motion, which carried. <br />AWARD BID - TWO-HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT (248 MORE OR LESS <br />FIREFIGHTEF:S PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (EMS CIP 288 AND 2006 CIP) <br />Chief Luther Taylor, Fire Department, advised the Board that an June 26, 2006, bids <br />were received and opened for the above referred to project. Chief Taylor expressed his <br />thanks to the Board and Board Attorney for all the work undertaken to process this bid. <br />Mr. Tom Bodnar provided memoranda to the Board dated August 4, 2006. <br />Mr. Bodnar stated there are two companies left in this evaluation, Total Fire Group <br />(Morning Pride) and Environmental Services Group (Securitex), the lower bidder. Both <br />were given a chance to submit corrected bids and were requested to provide a sample turn <br />out gear conforming with those bids. The original bid package required conforming <br />samples. The samples were timely received. There were 14 exceptions noted in the <br />Environmental Services Group. Four exceptions were noted in .the Morning Pride <br />sa~~ple. ,.;, <br />The most serious of Securitex's shortcomings was the strength of the outer shell material. <br />"Phis is one of the most important components in the package and contributes directly to <br />the safety of firefighters. <br />IC 5-22-16-2 states that the purchasing agent may •consider whether the offerer has <br />submitted an offer that conforms in all material respebts to the specifications. The <br />sample submitted is non-conforming in the material respect. The gear does not <br />adequately protect the firefighters who will wear it, nor with the instructions to the <br />offerers. For this reason the Securitex bid may be rejected as non responsive. <br />If Securitex's bid is rejected as non responsive, then the contract should be awarded to the <br />remaining bidder, which becomes the lowest responsive and responsive. IC 5-22-7-8 <br />authorizes this award. <br />For the record, while there are four discrepancies between the specifications and the <br />sample submitted by Morning Pride, one of those, Item 4.0, was a mislabel. The garment <br />,• <br />