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,.; ~. <br />`<y J <br />P.ECONVENED REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 26, 2006 <br />After reviewing the bids and examining the equipment, the Fire Department found <br />shortcomings to various degrees in all bids. Some. of these exceptions were noted by the <br />vendor, some were not. <br />At the Public Works Agenda Session, it was decided that all bidders would be given an <br />opportunity to explain the discrepancies and indicate if they could correct them. A <br />written reply had to be received by fax or personal delivery at the Board of Public Works <br />by 9:00 a.m. July 24, 2006. Six of the companies replied in a timely manner. One did <br />not. The notice specifically indicated that failure to respond on time would result in <br />disqualification as non-responsive. The company which filed the tardy response, Argus <br />Supply Company, had one of the longest lists of exceptions. Because its original <br />subhiittal could be rejected as non-responsive, because the notice clearly stated that an <br />untimely response would be rejected as non-responsive and because they were the lone <br />tardy bidder, their bid may be rejected as non-responsive. <br />Five Alarm Fire and Safety had a deceptively short number of exceptions on the original <br />list. Without going into detail, it involved the three major safety components. The <br />specification required 7.5 ounces of protection per square yard in the outer shell. Five <br />Alarm, in its response, said that it could only provide 7.25 ounces per square yard. <br />Considering the City of South Bend is purchasing protective gear, the failure to conform <br />to the specifications in the safety aspect is a critical one and renders the bid non- <br />responsive. Fire Service, Inc., noted on its original bid that the warranty against defects <br />was, contrary to the specifications, for one (1) year only. The company stood by its <br />position when it replied Monday morning. We expect to be able to get five to eight years <br />of rise out of the clothing. All other companies were able to give us that warranty. The <br />faihu•e of Fire Service, Inc., to comply with the warranty requirement constitutes a <br />material variation and. is grounds for rejection as non-responsive. <br />polton Fire Equipment Sales, Inc., presented a knee pad that did not comply. This was <br />called to their attention in the exceptions. As the firefighters are occasionally required to <br />' crawl along the ground to stay under the smoke because of confined space, the knee <br />padding is an important part of the turnout gear, not just for show. The Monday morning <br />fax from them did not address this issue. In addition, Dolton indicated that they could not <br />comply with our requirement of delivery within sixty (60) days from notification of <br />selection for bid. This could put the Federal Grant at risk. No other company indicated <br />such a problem. Failure to address the knee pad deficiency which was specifically called <br />to its attention and the inability to promise the delivery of goods in a timely manner <br />renders the Dolton Fire Equipment Sales, Inc., bid non-responsive. <br />Hoosier Fire Equipment, inc., indicated that there were ten (10) items in which they <br />could not conform to the specifications. The cumulative effect of these acknowledged <br />failures renders them non-responsive. <br />`t'otal Fire Group ($1462:88 per set) did not have any variations from our specifications. <br />h;nvironmental Safety Group, Inc., which bid $1282.40 per set, is apparently the lowest of <br />the two (2) remaining bidders. However, while every other bidder made a good faith <br />attempt at meeting our specifications and preparing a physical package which matched <br />their specifications, it is not clear that this was done by this company. While they did not <br />dote it, the outer shell that was sent was only 7 ounces per square yard, not 7.5. There <br />were significant discrepancies in other safety items that became apparent when they were <br />examined, but which the company did not independently acknowledge. They simply <br />' responded that it could meet our'specifications. <br />Airy remaining discrepancies in what was physically produced by the remaining two (2) <br />companies, while not meeting our specs, did not involve safety items and are not <br />material. <br />There is a time element involved. A federal .grant with deadlines is involved. A final <br />decision must be made no later than the Board's next scheduled meeting, August 7, 2006. <br />To be sure that the material does meet our specifications in every way, there is a need to <br />