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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />APPROPRIATING $750,873 FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND (FUND <br />212) FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT-RECOVERY PROGRAM <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE EXPENSES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF <br />COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AND DESIGNATED SUBGR.ANTEE AGENCIES FOR THE PROGRAM YEAR <br />BEGINNING, JUNE 5, 2009, TO BE ADMII~TISTERED THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF <br />COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. <br />Statement of Purpose and Intent: <br />The government of the City of South Bend, in partnership with the City's private sector <br />and residents, is committed to the goal of improving the quality of life in the City, its <br />neighborhoods, and for its residents. As part of this commitment to a comprehensive community <br />development and improvement program, the City of South Bend, through its Department of <br />Community and Economic Development, has applied for and has received on JULY 22, 2009 the <br />approval of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to expend <br />$750,873 in the execution of certain housing rehabilitation/assistance, neighborhood <br />development, and general program planning and development activities. In order to implement <br />the aforementioned activities, funds are required. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. The sum of $750,873 is hereby appropriated for the program year starting <br />June 5, 2009, for the City of South Bend's Community Development Block Grant-Recovery <br />Program (Program Year 2008). The appropriation shall be used as approved by the United States <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development under Title XII of Division A of the American <br />Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) and of the Code of Federal Regulations, <br />Part Five Hundred and Seventy (570) for the Community Development Program. This <br />appropriation shall be administered by the Department of Community and Economic <br />Development and its designated subgrantees, in accordance with the 2008 Housing and <br />Community Development (HCD) Action Plan and Amendment, which are hereby approved and <br />incorporated by reference with respect to the following distributions: <br />B-09MY-18-0011 <br />Communi Development Block Grant-Recovery Program <br />Dept. of Community & Economic Development -Planning & Admin 7,500 <br />South Bend Heritage Foundation -Dunbar Corner Geo Thermal Heating 281,250 <br />South Bend Heritage Foundation-Salvation Army Service Center 16,500 <br />C:~DOCUME-IUTALBOOM~I,OCALS-1\TEMP~'GRPWISE~2009CDBG-R LETTER AND ORDWANCE.DOC <br />