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J <br />1200 COIJ[TC1--CITY BLnLDING <br />227 W. JEFFERSON BUULLZ'aRD <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601-1830 <br />PHOr.E 574/ 235-9371 <br />Fax 5741235-9021 <br />TDD 574/ 235-5567 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LuECxE, MAYOR <br />~OMMUNITY ~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />3EFFREY V. GIBNEY <br />E,xECUTiVE DIRECTOR <br />August 17, 2009 ~, <br />Mr. Derek Deiter ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ` ~~ ~~ <br />President, South Bend ConTlnon Council <br />227. W. Jefferson Blvd., Suite 400 <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Dear President Deiter: <br />The attached bill for Council consideration and approval will appropriate $750,873 in Community <br />Development Block Grant-Recovery (CDBG-R) funds. This action allocates new funds in accordance <br />with the 2008 Action Plan and Amendment of the Housing and Community Development Plan submitted <br />to the Department of Housing and Urban Development on June 5,2009, and further amended and <br />resubmitted on June 15, 2009. The funds being made available are part of the American Recovery and <br />Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and represent a one time formula allocation to South Bend as an <br />entitlement community. <br />As was indicated in my email to the Council on June 23, 2009 and in my meetings with some <br />Council members, the CDBG-R funds have a slightly different focus than regular CDBG funds. CDBG-R <br />funding is provided as an immediate stimulus to the economy as well as to provide long term <br />improvements. <br />The City received the Grant Agreement on July 22, 2009 and has been notified that the Release of <br />Funds date is August 19, 2009. Grantees will have approximately 36 months to use the funds with all <br />fiends being spent no later than September 30, 2012. <br />Should there be any questions on this bill please contact me at 235-5845. I will be present to address this <br />issue at the September 14, 2009 meeting. Thank you. <br />Sincerely, <br />amela C. Meyer ~ <br />Director <br />cc: Jeff Gibney <br />Catherine Fanello/Gregg Zientara <br />John March <br />Judy Rosheclc <br />?~C~ E€3 ~(~1'~'~ ~1~[G~ <br />AUG 1 0 2009 <br />J~i"i i~~ MtaJd Ri{.'~ <br />c~r~ c~ti~~~, ~a. s~r~y, ~~. <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL & PROGIL4M <br />PAn1ELA C. MEYER DONALD E. INxS NL\NAGEMENT <br />5741235-9660 5741235-9371 ELIZP.BETH LEONARD U <br /> 574/235-9697 5741235-9371 <br />