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THE COMMISSION NOW FINDS THAT: <br />I. The redevelopment ~~(~ the Property, as proposed by the HLF1 (i) may not be <br />accomplished through the ordinary operations of private enterprise; (ii) will <br />pl'omotC a SUbstai1tlal hkellhood Ol CrCating of retallUng opp01'tUn1tICS lol' galnfUl <br />cm~~loymcnt and crcatc additional business opportunities in the Area; (iii) will <br />serve a public pw-pose as it will bencfiit the public health, safety, morals, and <br />welfare of the City and the District and increase their economic well-being and <br />that of tl~ic State of Indiana (the "Suite"); and (iv) will protect and increase <br />property values in the City, the District and the State. <br />2. The Project would crcatc additional jobs, which will signi{icantly improve the <br />opportunities for gainful employment in the District and the City. <br />3. Providing additional parking spaces near the Education Center will increase the <br />likelihood of sustaining and creating further economic development and <br />rcdevclopmcnt of the South Bend Central Devclopmcnt Area and the City. <br />4. Without (hc Commission's involvement as contemplated by the Development <br />Documents, the redevelopment of the Education Center in its existing state, size <br />and condition would not support the Project, as proposed, or any other project that <br />would be likely to result in the Education Center's preservation and its highest <br />and best use. <br />The Commission's involvement in the Pr<~ject as described in this resolution and <br />5. <br />the Development. Documents will best serve the interests of the City and its <br />citizens. <br />(~. The Project, the Development Documents and the assistance thereof as set forth in <br />the Devclopmcnt Documents comply with applicable federal, state and local laws <br />under which the Project has been undertaken and is being assisted and the <br />Development Docun~cnts and the actions contemplated therein are authori?cd. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BL IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTI-I BEND <br />REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. The Project, as proposed, and as contemplated in the Development Agreement <br />and other Devclopmcnt Documents, is hereby approved. <br />~I~hc Commission hereby approves the Devclopmcnt Agreement and other <br />Devclopmcnt Documents in the farm attached hereto as Lxhibit E1, including the Contract of <br />Purchase and Sale, the Deed, the Agency Agreement, the Partial Assignment oI~ Interest and the <br />other ccrtiiicates and agreement attached thereto or contemplated therein. <br />3. 'T'he Commission hereby authorizes the President or the Vice-President to execute, <br />and the Vice-President. or Secretary to attest, the Devclopmcnt Agreement and other <br />