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WI-ICRCAS, one ol~ the terms anti conditions is tl~~at the Historic Landmarks Foundation <br />of Indiana, Inc. (~"III FI") shall be afforded the reasonable opportunity to identify an <br />economically viable plan for the redevelopment of the Cducation Center by HLFI or a third <br />parry; and <br />WI iCRCAS, the first Addendum defines "economically viable" to mean that a ready, <br />willing and able purchaser has been identified; a written agreement has been fully executed with <br />the prospective purchaser and there is a sufificicnt financial conunitment to permit both the <br />purchase and redevelopment plan for the Cducation Center to commence o-1 or belore July I, <br />2007; and <br />WHCRCAS, the Education Center is a Jocal landmark and if an economically viable <br />rcusc is not identifiicd shortly, the Cducation Center is in danger o1~ being abandoned or <br />demolished unless an economically viable rcusc is identified; and <br />W(1CRh,AS, any probable rcusc of the Iducation Ccntcr would reduirc additional <br />parking spaces and significant amount of invcslmcnt in the Education Ccntcr and in certain <br />public. infrastructure improvements; and <br />WHEREAS, HLFI has entered into an agreement with a developer providing for the <br />rcdevelopmcnt oI~ the Cducation Center (the "HLFI ilgreemeitf'), «~hich contemplates public <br />invcstrnent to provide for the developer fo proceed with the project proposed by the developer <br />(the "Prajecf'); and <br />WIJI'RCAS, in order to induce the I1LI~I to proceed with its negotiations with the <br />developer and provide for the Project, a development agreement has been presented to the <br />Commission providing for a public invcslmcnt in the Pr~~jcct of approximately Six Hundred <br />"Thousand and 00/ 100 Dollars ($600,000.00), to the extent that the developer has invested at least <br />Six Million and 00/100 Dollars 06,000,000.00) in the preservation of the Education Ccntcr; and <br />WHCREAS, the Commission desires to provide for the preservation and rcusc of tilt <br />Cducation Center as such is in tine best interest of the City of South Bend, Indiana (die "City"); <br />and <br />WHCREAS, the Commission desires to approve the Dcvclopment Agreement and any <br />documents contained or contemplated therein, including but not limited to a COntl'act of Purchase <br />and Sale, a Decd, an Agency Agreement, the Partial Assignment of h~terest and the other <br />certificates and ~~greements attached thereto or contemplated therein (collectively, the <br />"Denclop~irent Dncrnrre~rts") and to authorize the President of the Commission (the "Pre,~~idenf') <br />or the Vicc-President of the Commission (the "bite-President") to execute, and the Vice- <br />President or Secretary of the Commission (the "Secretary") to attest, the Dcvclopment. <br />Documents, with such changes as such executing and attesting officers may approve upon the <br />advice of legal counsel; <br />• <br />