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e. Maintenance of premises: The operators of such <br />businesses shall: <br />1. Remove therefrom all combustible materials <br />and all inflammable rubbish, leaves, grass, dead trees, brush and <br />other materials not being stored thereon as a part of the <br />business conducted thereon. <br />2. Keep storerooms and garages free from <br />rubbish, waste materials and old rags and paper not being stored <br />thereon as a part of the business conducted thereon. <br />3. Keep all oil, gasoline, oily waste and other <br />greasy material in metal waste cans. <br />4. Install and keep available fire extinguishers <br />in close proximity to areas within such scrap or junkyards, <br />recycling operations and transfer stations wherein trash, metal <br />or other waste materials may be burned, and keep and maintain <br />therein an unobstructed fire truck lane of at least ten (10) feet <br />in width into such yard from the maintenance thereof. <br />5. Cause such scrap or junkyard, recycling <br />operations and transfer stations to be checked and serviced at <br />reasonable intervals for the effective extermination of rodents <br />in accordance with Health Department standards. <br />6. Papers, rags and other loose scrap and junk <br />material shall be handled, stored and maintained in such a way as <br />to prevent the same from being loose in such junk or scrap yard, <br />recycling operations and transfer stations. <br />(m) Semi-annual inspection by Fire Prevention Bureau. The Fire <br />Prevention Bureau shall inspect each junk or scrap yard, <br />recycling operations and transfer stations once every six (6) <br />months for the purpose of determining whether or not the owner or <br />operator is incompliance with this Code. <br />(n) Applications to be filed. All persons required to be <br />licensed under this section must file an application or renewal <br />application pursuant to section 4-6 of this Code. Any specific <br />requirements of the rules and regulations herein which cannot be <br />met by the applicant due to unusual hardship, such as adverse <br />weather conditions, may be granted a thirty-day grace period to <br />complete such requirement(s). Such additional time shall be upon <br />proper resolution being petitioned for before the Board of Public <br />Works setting forth in detail the reasons needed for the <br />additional time. The Board shall notify the City Clerk's Office <br />of any such resolution being filed and the proposed date on which <br />7 <br />