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constructed so that it can retain all scrap and junk materials <br />within such yards. This fencing shall be of uniform material and <br />color and shall be kept in good repair at all times. Type A <br />fencing shall be used except when Type B fencing is specifically <br />required. <br />2. Type B fencing shall consist of opaque or <br />solid fireproof material, and shall be a minimum of eight (8) <br />feet in height. It shall be erected along or near the outside <br />edges of ~ the scrap ~rtd or junkyards, recycling operations or <br />transfer stations, , <br />and shall com letel surround the scra or 'unk <br />materials to be stored on the premises. Such fencing shall be of <br />uniform material and color, and shall be kept in good repair at <br />all times. Provided, that any Type B fencing which shall be <br />erected, as required by this section, shall be a minimum of eight <br />(8) feet in height. All new businesses or existing businesses <br />which expand or replace Type B fencing in its entirety after <br />October 1, 1990, shall have opaque fencing which, for purposes of <br />this Section, shall mean a barrier of solid material such as <br />wood, metal, or similar material whereby one cannot see through <br />such opaque fence, thereby screening the operation from public <br />view. A chain link fence of said height with metal, wood, or <br />other opaque material through it which entirely blocks the view <br />of the operation is an example of the minimum required opaque <br />fence, as used in this section. <br />c. Buffer strip: All new businesses or existing <br />businesses which expand after July 1, 1980, shall have a buffer <br />planting strip of at least fifteen (15) feet in depth and shall <br />be provided and maintained between the property lines and Type B <br />fencing which abuts public streets, highways and alleys. Such <br />buffer planting strip shall include a compact hedge, row of <br />shrubbery or row of evergreen trees and the property lines shall <br />be planted in grass, other suitable ground cover andlor <br />shrubbery, maintained in good condition, and kept free of litter. <br />Said area may also include pedestrian walkways, driveways, <br />flagpoles and off-street parking subject to the off-street <br />parking regulations of this Code. Any existing scrap or <br />junkyards may provide and maintain a buffer strip as described in <br />this section. <br />d. Storage location restrictions: No scrap or junk <br />materials shall be placed or stored outside of the fencing <br />required by this section. Such junk or scrap stored in such <br />yard, if combustible or inflammable, shall not be stored closer <br />than three (3) feet to such fence enclosing such yard. <br />6 <br />