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• HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA <br />The West Washington-Chapin Development Area is located in what is commonly known as the Near <br />West Side Neighborhood in South Bend, Indiana. The Neighborhood is located immediately west of the <br />South Bend Central Business District. See Map 2. One of the earliest additions to South Bend's original <br />1831 plat, the neighborhood became the site for large homes of many of the community's early <br />industrialists, such as the Studebakers, Olivers, O'Briens, and Birdsells, during the latter part of the 19th <br />Century. With large factories constructed within or very near the neighborhood, the Near West Side also <br />became the location for more modest housing for the many workers employed within these factories. <br />The South Bend community was thriving at this time, having become a major industrial center. By the <br />late 19th Century several commercial districts had developed within the neighborhood along West <br />Washington, Chapin and Western Avenues. Most shopkeepers owned their own businesses and 1 ived in <br />apartments above their stores. <br />Over time the Near West Side Neighborhood changed. Following the Depression and World War II, the <br />neighborhood experienced significant physical and economic decline. Problems of crime, neglect and <br />negative image increased. Property values declined. Gradually upper middle and middle income residents <br />moved out creating a predominantly low income neighborhood. <br />In recent years, however, some reinvestment has occurred in both the residential and commercial areas of <br />the neighborhood. Attracted by the opportunity of rehabilitating an older home, a number of families and <br />professional offices have moved back into the West Washington historic District. The City's Bureau of <br />Housing has administered residential loan programs within the neighborhood over the last twelve years. <br />• In addition, South Bend Heritage Foundation, a Community Development Block Grant sub-grantee and a <br />non-profit corporation that has been active in the neighborhood over the last fourteen years in both <br />residential and commercial building rehabilitation, has administered a commercial loan program which <br />has focused on the West Washington Commercial District since last year. Both efforts have done much to <br />encourage additional investment. <br />Despite these efforts and those of Federal programs through the 1960's and 1970's, problems remain, <br />particularly within the commercial districts along West Washington and Chapin Street. Of the 32 <br />commercial structures on West Washington, 22 are now vacant. Of the 15 commercial structures along <br />Chapin Street, 6 now stand vacant. Based on 1980 census information and recent field surveys, 16 <br />percent of the residential structures throughout the neighborhood are vacant. <br />W W/6 <br />• <br />10!23/87 <br />