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INTRODUCTION <br />The plan that follows represents a general concept for the development and revitalization of the West <br />Washington-Chapin Development Area. It is also the initial step in the development of a Comprehensive <br />Neighborhood Plan for this area. <br />This Plan is the result of many months of discussion between the residents and business people of the <br />neighborhood and representatives of the City of South Bend and the Redevelopment Commission. The <br />partnership that has evolved from these discussions, the determination of the residents, and the <br />commitment of the City of South Bend will all help to ensure the success of this General Development <br />Plan and the more detailed Comprehensive Plan still to come. <br />The West Washington-Chapin Development Area consists of approximately two hundred acres and <br />extends west from the South Bend Central Business District. One of the original neighborhoods of the <br />City, the area has a mixture of residential, commercial, and both light and heavy industrial land use. The <br />City's first National Historic Register District is also within the neighborhood. See Map 1. <br />As with many inner-city neighborhoods throughout the United States, conditions within the Washington- <br />Chapin neighborhood have deteriorated in recent years. This is particularly evident along the two major <br />commercial strips of the neighborhood located along the 1100 through 1400 blocks of West Washington <br />Avenue and the 100 through 300 blocks of South Chapin Street. <br />The condition of the neighborhood, whether good or bad, also affects the areas surrounding the <br />neighborhood. Considering that the West Washington-Chapin Development Area is next to the South <br />Bend Central Business District the revitalization of the West Washington-Chapin Development Area <br />gains even greater significance considering the amount of public and private money that has been <br />invested in the City's Central Business District. Improvement of the West Washington-Chapin <br />Development Area can strengthen these investments as well as encourage further activities in the <br />Downtown. <br />Residents and business owners of the neighborhood joined together to form anon-profit corporation <br />early in 1987 called the West Washington-Chapin Revitalization Project, Inc. The group consists of <br />representatives of the several other non-profit corporations that are active within the neighborhood as <br />well, as many concerned residents. The City of South Bend through its Division of Planning and <br />Business Assistance, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission and the West Washington-Chapin <br />Revitalization Project, Inc. jointly decided to proceed with the preparation of this Development Plan as <br />one means of addressing same of the problems of the neighborhood. <br />When adopted, this Plan will provide the mechanism to deal with many of the physical problems and <br />general lack of reinvestment the neighborhood has experienced. The Development Plan establishes <br />specific development issues that will need to be addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan also <br />establishes a means of directing development to ensure that it occurs in an orderly manner, is compatible <br />with existing neighborhood uses and is of the highest quality possible. <br />With the adoption of this Plan, the residents of the neighborhood and the City of South Bend will be able <br />to take the preliminary steps to make the area a vital residential, commercial, and industrial <br />neighborhood. <br /> <br />10/23/87 <br />