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$54 for family coverage. <br />(3) Flexible S ep nding Account. The City shall contribute Five Hundred <br />Dollazs ($500) into each qualifying non-bargaining employee's individual <br />flexible spending account each plan yeaz. <br />(4) Short and Long Term Disability, Short and Long Term Disability shall <br />be as set forth in the City's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, as it <br />may be amended from time to time, which is incorporated herein by <br />reference. <br />(5) Payment for Election to Leave EmRloyer's omprehensive Maur <br />Medical Insurance Pro am. The City shall pay Fifty-four Dollazs ($54) <br />per month to any Employee who elects to leave the City's comprehensive <br />major medical insurance program to be covered by another program for <br />which the City makes no contribution. This election shall not be <br />mandatory, and the Employee who made such election may return to the <br />City's comprehensive major medical Insurance Program, provided that the <br />conditions of the City's Comprehensive Major Medical Insurance Program <br />aze met, and the contributions specified herein aze made, but in such event <br />said Employee shall forfeit the Fifty-four Dollars ($54) payment per month <br />thereafter. <br />(ti) Life Insurance. The Ciry shall provide term life insurance coverage in an <br />amount not less that Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for each <br />employee. Such insurance shall become effective upon the award of a <br />group life insurance bid by the Board of Public Works, or upon the <br />beginning of the plan year, whichever is later. <br />(7) Benefit Waiting Period. The City notes that life insurance, comprehensive <br />major Medical Insurance, and short term disability programs require a <br />minimum of sixty (60) day eligibility period; and that the long-term <br />disability program requires a minimum of a ninety (90) day eligibility <br />period which non-bargaining employees must meet. <br />(e) Merit Bonus Program. The City maintains a Merit Bonus Program wherein, <br />subject to the established guidelines of the Program, along with an annual evaluation <br />and the approval of the Mayor, employees may be eligible for, and paid, a monetary <br />bonus. <br />(f) F~~loy_ee~ggestion Program. The employee suggestion program is continued <br />for the fiscal year 1999. Pursuant to this program, employees who submit <br />constructive suggestions concerning City operations which are implemented and <br />which result in a quantifiable benefit to the Ciry may be eligible [o receive a <br />monetary award, established at ten percent (10%) of the City's net savings during <br />the first twelve (12) months of the implementation of the suggestion, not to exceed a <br />total monetary award of $2,500. Employees whose suggestions are implemented <br />which result in no quantifiable benefit to the Ciry may be eligible to receive a <br />monetary awazd of from $25 - $500. The following employees aze ineligible to <br />receive any monetary awazd under the employee suggestion program: Employees <br />with the authority or responsibility to make the suggested change; employees who <br />would be expected as a part of their normal dudes or part of assigned research or <br />study; employees who aze directors, deputies, assistant directors, elected Ciry <br />officials, or members of the Suggestion Box Committee. The Suggestion Box <br />Committee, whose membership shall consist of four (4) to six (6) members <br />appointed by the Director of Human Resources, is hereby established to review <br />employee suggestions and make monetary awazds. <br />(g) Other Monetary Fringe Benefits, All other fringe benefits shall be as set forth in <br />the City's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual as it may be amended from <br />time to time. <br />(h) .Two (2) copies of the City's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual and the <br />Family and Medical Leave Act Policy shall be kept on file and made available for <br />public inspection during regulaz hours in the office of the Ciry Clerk on the 4th <br />