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ORDINANCE NO. /~J ~' / <br />AN ORDINANCE FIXING MAXIMUM SALARIES AND WAGES OF <br />APPOINTED OFFICERS AND NON-BARGAINING EMPLOYEES OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE <br />CALENDAR YEAR 1999 <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />This Ordinance sets forth the maximum amounts to be paid to non-bargaining personnel employed by the <br />City of South Bend for the calendar year 1999. This Ordinance establishes such compensation for <br />approximately 420 non-bazgaining employees by specific position and title. <br />The overall guidelines used in this Ordinance are consistent with the overall negotiating criteria used for all <br />City employees. In most instances, these employees who meet the eligibility requirements will be receiving a <br />3.25% base increase in 1999. <br />This Ordinance is in the best interest of the City and the affected non-bargaining employees. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, as follows: <br />section I• Maximum Compensation <br />(a) The maximum amounts to be paid as compensation for non-bazgaining employees <br />for the City of South Bend, Indiana are hereby established as set forth in the <br />attachment, which is incorporated herein by reference. The amounts set forth are <br />consistent with the recommended procedure of the State Boazd of Accounts dated <br />Mazch,1993. Accordingly, Bi-Weekly amounts by alphabetical position are set <br />forth as well as the annual salary for each position. <br />action II. Holidays, Vacations and Other Monetary and Fringe Benefits Incorporated by <br />Reference. <br />(a) Holidavs. Holidays designated by the Boazd of Public Works shall govern non- <br />bargaining employees for the calendaz year 1999. The provisions of the City's <br />Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual as it may be amended from time to time <br />shall apply and. are incorporated herein by reference. <br />(b) Vacation. Vacation for non-bargaining employees shall be as set forth in the <br />City's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual as it may be amended from time to <br />time, incorporated herein by reference. <br />(c) Family Leave. The Family and Medical Leave Act Policy is hereby incorporated <br />herein by reference in its entirety. <br />(d) n r n . <br />(1) Comprehensive Maior Medical IrLUrance Program/Preferred <br />Provider Organization (PPOI. The City shall maintain a comprehensive <br />major medical insurance program. This program shall contain <br />comprehensive major medical insurance coverage which includes a $1,000 <br />annual deductible, and which shall be subject to a 70/30 co-insurance <br />payment up to a limit of $7,500 per year per person. A Preferred Provider <br />Organization (PPO) is established and includes a $250 annual deductible <br />per family and which shall be subject to a 90/10 co-insurance payment up <br />to a limit of $1,250 maximum per yeaz. <br />(2) Employge Contribution. The monthly contributions for both single and <br />dependent coverage in plan year 1999 shall be $21 for single coverage and <br />