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CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />1999 CAPITAL BUDGET 19-Jan-99 <br /> TOTAL <br /> GENERAL G/F, CCDF, <br /> FUND CCDF CCIF EDIT COIT CCIF, EDIT <br /> (#101) (#406) (#407) (#408) (#404) & COIT <br />Cash balance as of 1/1/98 11,521,394 95,477 141,378 736,518 0 12 <br />494 <br />767 <br />Add: Total 1998 cash receipts/revenue 45,157,011 1,020,441 701,123 2,881,258 735,314 , <br />, <br />50,495,147 <br />Less: Total 1998 cash expenditures (operating only) (40,932,043) (561,147) 0 (845,190) 0 (42,338,380) <br />Less: Total 1998 cash expenditures (capital only) (2,024,190) (139,133) (100,831) (609,617) (155,231) (3,029,002) <br />Less: 1998 Debt Service for Outstanding Bonds n/a n/a (297,000) (913,702) n/a (1,210,702) <br />Add/Less: Interfund Transfers n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 <br />Add/Less: Net adjustments to balance sheet accounts (15,114) 0 _ _ 0 0 0 15,113) <br />Cash balance as of 12/31/98 13,707,059 415,638 444,670 1,249,267 _ <br />580,083 _ <br />16,396,717 <br />Less: Encumbrances as of 12/31/98 (1,033,071) 0 (336,168) (1,200,932) (421,524) (2,991,695) <br />Less: Parking Garages - negative cash balance at 12/31/98 (1,660,050) n/a n/a n/a n/a (1,660,050) <br />Less: Central Services - negative cash balance at 12/31/98 (968,542) n/a n/a n/a n/a (968,542) <br />Add/Less: Interfund Transfers n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 <br />Adjusted cash balance as of 1/1/99 10,045,396 415,638 108,502 48,335 158,559 10,776,430 <br />Adjustments to cash available for capital projects: <br />Reserve as a °~ of 1999 Operating Expenditure Budget (8,088,555) 17.7^io n/a n/a n/a n/a (8,088,554) <br />Reserve balances required for bond debt service n/a n/a n/a (547,660)M«ris n/a (547,660) <br />LRSA project balances carried forward to 1/1/99 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 <br />1999 projected budget surplus (EDIT, COIT &LRSA only) n/a n/a n/a 1,251,926 1,830,906 3,082,832 <br />1999 projected budget deficit (136,418)garages n/a n/a n/a n/a (136,418) <br />SB Entertainment pledges for Morris/Palais -remitted 1st qtr 1999 n/a n/a n/a 1,222,577 n/a 1,222,577 <br />MSF roof repair funding to be reimbursed by lease funds 490,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a 490,000 <br />Fire Station lease payments budgeted but not needed for 1999 n/a n/a n/a 238,084 " n/a 238,084 <br />Proceeds from Transpo (Sale of Garage) n/a n/a n/a ??? ??? 0 <br />Projected cash available for 1999 Capital Budget 2,310,423 415,638 108,502 2,213,261 1,989,465 7,037,290 <br />CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR 1999: <br />Land Improvements 0 0 0 0 1,291,500 1,291,500 <br />Buildings and Building Improvements 293,635 0 0 1,744,592 350,000 2,388,227 <br />Motor Vehicles /Equipment 574,354 135,000 0 0 0 709,354 <br />Computer Equipment and Networking 296,100 0 0 0 0 296,100 <br />Materials and Equipment 47,000 0 0 0 0 47,000 <br />Office Equipment and Furniture 56,334 0 0 0 0 56,334 <br />Neighborhood Programs (GN/GN & Curb/Sidewalk) 1,043,000 _ 0 100,000 160,100 305,000 1,608,100 <br />Total Capital Budget for 1999 _ <br />2,310,423 135,000 100,000 _1,904,692_" _ <br />1,946,500 _ 6,396,615 <br /> <br />ash (excluding reserves) not appropriated for Capital Budget <br />0_ -- <br />_280,638 - ---- <br />_____ 8,502 - <br />308 569 <br />42 965 <br />640,675 <br /> "1999 Capital Budget appropriation for E DIT Fund will be $1 ,666,608 ($1,904,692 total capital requ ested above less <br /> $238,084 al ready appropriated in Operating Budget for capital lease expenditures no longer needed in 1999) <br />FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES <br />1999 Projected Revenue 45,660,511 1,036,362 689,571 3,102,834 1,830,906 <br />1999 Operating Expenditure Budget (does not include capital exp) 45,628,950 394,090 0 792,785 0 <br />1999 Debt Service (Bonds Outstanding) _ __ 0 _ ___0 594,000 1,058,123 0 <br />3_t 561 642 272 _ <br />95 571 _ <br />251 926 1 830 906 <br />