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Cost Recovery for Special Police Services -Page 2 <br />_ ~-~r,-_ <br />~ t ...~. <br />J~;;iil `J:~GFia <br />Other communities have implemented a variety of cost recovery mea'c„r c~a~~o~°"~hich include <br />charging for such special public safety services. In light of the cost to the South Bend Police <br />Department to provide such special police services, we are proposing regulations which would off- <br />set the fiscal impact of providing dignitary protection for non-municipal functions. The proposed <br />ordinance would: <br />• Authorize the South Bend Police Department to charge the responsible party who <br />invites, sponsors or hosts an event which requires or requests non-municipal <br />dignitary protection special police services <br />• Establish an hourly rate charge per sworn officer based on the ongoing costs <br />incurred by the police department based on personnel costs, fringe benefits costs, <br />training costs, and related expenses <br />• Authorize the SBPD to establish reasonable rules and regulations for billing and <br />collection similar to those in place in the SBFD for their special services <br />• Establish a mileage fee rate for vehicles used in each non-municipal dignitary <br />protection special police service detail <br />• Authorize the option of a payment agreement which must be approved by the <br />responsible party, the Chief of Police and the Common Council prior to the event <br />in lieu of the established charges <br />• Require all fees and charges collected to be deposited into-the Law Enforcement <br />Continuing Education Fund <br />• Require quarterly reports from the SBPD summarizing data <br />• Require payment within sixty (60) days of the date of billing with a ten percent <br />(10%) interest rate being charged on any balance remaining unpaid <br />As elected officials of the City of South Bend, we are proud of its m and women who provide <br />exemplary police services on a 24/7 basis. The proposed ordinan is caned to assist in funding, so <br />that the City's police operations needed by our citizens, will bey' eopa~zed; T~an~ ~. <br />Sincerely, ~1~~~ ~ ~ ~- <br />Council Member Karen L. White <br />Hea d Public fety Chairperson <br />Coun ' tuber Ann zello <br />Health & Public Safety Vice-Chair <br />~'ouncil~Iember Thomas LaFountain <br />Personnel and Finance Chairperson <br />Council Member Henry Davis, Jr. <br />Community Relations Chairperson <br />