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,1~ i S`~ ~ tl sa.r tiJ, ~; ~ t ~' e ~ s <br />~ xos~rr~s ° . ..J <br />WORK OF CHIL[]R~EN'3:DISPENSARY. ~ n y iuar a uuuar i service, ins <br />I• ~~~ ~" : -~ ', : BY 0. N.~~FA68ETT. s,8`~Y~~~1/ .mayor declared, becavs0 they help <br />'those who` might `otherwise , start <br />•• In a small building at 1031`-West ones-~ 6lmple remedies are supplied 'life with a physical handicap: 1'.kley <br />~ Division street a young woman is tY the dispensary, but the presorlp- i•also,help..the pommunity ,fn generat, <br />dons. are sent to. the drug stores IL i.,tor. they prevent' bad` health. <br />(ight(ng for .the lives and happiigleas of Pcrfls of Idlegess. <br />,Y. ,- - - -. • - the ,;pothers are a~b]e to pay Yor the ,' ~ "Bad<. health'- Indus@s : ¢dlenegs:~ <br />i the 'tables of the wash end. Zikefhs,medlclnes they are required to; !t not, <br />Idleness `leads Lo 1mttlbralliy and' <br />,guard of a military_outpoet or the men the hreecrlptfons-are filled at the ex FarJme, and Ulacea a burden upon the <br />~ and women 4L the,.a~bulance servlce~ Pence of the dlap~ensary, c'.. [ eolrJmgnitx Yor aS7.~'time ;to -come'~% <br />~.~•~ ~So- ~wlth the'._certifled milk. ~' Tho ~~ <br />oa the'French. trontler, she !s meet- ,This iriy{;iLUtton wilt set}ve iifany, qf~ <br />mgthere can have the milk Yor Lhelr > <br />t.~'. ~ ing~the'emergencles and>exigenoies•aa ~ ~ ylhe prgbleins of society. ~ - ' <br />baAafes whether,theg have the `money <br />k"~-~ ',they present. L+hemsetves-and carrying ~.. 'J am ,psou~dthat fhe speople oI, <br />her minlstra.tlons Snto attllcted hones to~;pay,~for !t qr not. Imagine' their ~S~uihBend' era>awake.,to their,- te.~ <br />that need her~sezvices. ~ gratltude:,when -their:: sick 'tables are 'aponeibility to their ~~fel[ whoF <br />A I( restored t0•health~ anttahey are{atl,ght <br />f..; The young woman 1s ~Mlsa -Agnes rsre noti-as fortunate as they are," <br />Moran, the vieltung~nurse oP the~Chil- how~~,o ,properly care for their. little ;said the mayor, `and^he'commended~ <br />~.~' I dran' ~ Diaponea ~ ones., amd .keep them.. well! .And. Miss ;she tittle :group 'of; wgmen";'-4vho,~are; <br />s ry andHospital aeso-' ` <br />ciatfon:' For eight yearn she and--her Moran follows them to theft homes to `resUOnsiblel~for -•the~ Youndatign •and <br />''t - see that [nstructlops are obeyed. It Is srotvfh-bf~the dlsopttsary ~-- -~ ~- ~~ <br />predeceasorshave stood guard over the a supervision. the mothera Cheerfully •`.:.A.C, the. conclusion of~ Mayor See: <br />23aties yin the homes of the poor and, submit to. They .ham loarned,ln theGfFt'a address, Mrs: Helep:,o'Br(Enf' <br />for that .matter,' of all who desire her <br />' services, relnforeed Prom the medLcg.l eight_3'earsthe dispensary nurses have pXesJd.9ut:•of., theChildren's' Dispen-. <br /> the city,aided•and%~a.bettedb~'~at work.-among .,YhemGhat the aeC}+•siid'HPSpital Assn..placed'•pa-. <br />'' by the'women~ot the asaoclatlbn~and .vlslte.oLtht:.nurses.aCe not impertLn .pers',trilling'.:,.Yho`history of:~the disc <br />' eupiported by charitable Beople. How ant. ~interPerence with. their `domestio;'ppnsar}'-~so'~faY,~in to-a copper-'b os. <br />[; ~ ~ attaira•,but. minlstrationa thcywould~.'j'hfs w g~Fea)od,'and Yolrs'F. G:~• <br />many liven have; bean saved and-how ,be,almost. hel less wlthouL' ~ - ~~I{ettring hono>`ary~'prpesldent -pine:~ <br />~ much suffering has been ,.prevented p <br />t Demand Overtaxes Ga nett ~ ed the Do~~•~1n the stnno Thcn the •~ <br />i d•uring these eight year3 would be im- P y covor wag 8~t 1n and the heads oP <br />possible' to calculate, ~ but this ~ fs 'There were G3 registered pate ts~~tho n oCiaCt{?n pours the;daement <br />known,•that the death rate among 1n- March 1 and a dozen or mole have" 1 <br />,over Jt <br />-l~Yants inkho,. west-end Is less than Sn been added since. Miss Moran ens- Rapid progross 1s beinfi 1m a~de fn <br />other parts of the city. ' I wars calls. Yrom any ,part oP the city, ~ the buildin A flnanclal campaign -. <br />~'~ ~ :.IC is a -work o,t. Dreyantion ratherl but her. prlncipa] work is In the.~west for the dispensary Ni11 be --held •in .~ <br />"'1 than cure th&t the-dispensary;. is ~ do- I end, and there she Sands more than She ;May ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ' <br />t ~~ ~ ing.. The effort-is `to make conditions can: do. The ateadlly growing de :, <br />r•• ~•~a:vora~ble`.-to'health. ~Thts'Ys.~accom= mand•~orthe serslce~.oL.the dislensary <br />F--•~ F ' pllshed In-two ways, . ty Personal at- makes it absolutely~tecessary that Its t <br />tendon to individual cases and by~ in- facilities be enlarged. An additional <br />~% ~` I ~ - This afternoon at 4' o'clock the, <br />structing; oP ~chll- nurse could be employed to good ad- <br />I~I dres.~andit is astonishing how much vantage, ~¢ut the present resources of cornerstone oL:~the: neW. Children's <br />I there is`-tq,flo-and how much Ss .donq the dispensary will not permit it. In Dispensary end_Hospital wiltbe dpid. <br />-. I with . tits 1lmited• means at the_ coin- addition to the visits the nurse Se fre- The structure Ss'well under way and - <br />mand of the' assocfaflori: The field quently called upon 'for service at is located 1n the. 1100 'block •on °W, <br />Is so large and~the workers so few that the dispensary. IJven the school chfl- ~~Faahin6ton ay.," on what was'Yor- <br />' what'is done .Is accomplished under dran run In to have their hurts mend- - - <br />..,, r the shadow of dfacouragement, which -ed.- h'or ail the western part oP the ~ manly -,known ~ae the P1no Property. <br />is relieved only by .rho Consciousness city the dispensary has come to be the An address will 't0 delivered ,by1 <br />I oP relieving suffering and savtng Glace to go when anything happens. 'Mayor , Ell F./Seebirt ~ and. pra3'.9ra <br />I young lives and by the grateful ap- Tearful mothers and the plaLnitive by Dr. A. A. ZlpAlncott: Thepubllc'• <br />preciatlon of those who receh•e the voices of alcR chlldren~are calliftg for tg lnvSted (o attend. , <br />'; benefits of the association's self-sac- a ]anger measure oY generosity from plans are under tivay Por a con- ' <br />''rlflCing']albors. ~ ~ the more fortunate members-of the carted city-wide-campaign tosecpra <br />Example of the Work, community. f nds for the complotlTn and 'equip- , <br />~' Here !s a summary oC what the dls- Sub-S4ation Wanted. '~ inept oL the building' that has been <br />P', . pensary did In February. Miss Mo- The association was organized in planned by the Children'y Dlspen- <br />f ran the nurse made nearl3' 100 visits June, 2909, by the Associated Cheri ties saryand Hoapftai Aes'n. The.oHi- <br />I ~ i to the homes of sick and well chil-- In sesponee to, an appeal Prom ~ one cars ofI this ~-oragnlzation are Mrs. <br />t dran, to nurso the former and tape •rof the physicians of. the city for that. Helen U'Brfen, ,presldont; Ivlre, Helen ~ <br />'. 'yrecauttons against the 11lneas'of thou establishment oP a dispensary for sickji Austin, vice President; 141ra. Mazle <br />latter.: This month"the vlsJta will ex- tchlldren during the silmmer months A. Thurn; secretary; lefts. Cora D.,l <br />seed those oY February and as-warm For two summers the nurse was Pro-11 ~ Kimble, treasurer. .Arthur I. Hub-~ <br />t'• i weather comes on the number.. will vided fbY the Visiting- :Nurse. associa- '~ bard, ,prealdent of the F1cat Natlonat <br />~~' bank,.'has consented to,,work with <br />.steadily Increase. The - ~wLnter has tlon for service to the monnings. Then <br />i ' been a busy one, but the-summer 1s third summer Mlss Ollve Bailey, now the campaign committee and will be <br />~`:= ~~ - - asetsted.,by 100 leading business men <br />rk f tits real busy season when the re- head nurse In the Studebaker corpora-: - <br />sources,oP thedlspensary are taxed to-~ tion's hospital, was engaged and the of the city. Claronce - 12 oyes,; of. <br />i yond tl;eir, capaelty for Performance. dispensary kept open" the veer round: ;Rockville, Ind., who directed, .the. <br />F' hoe ltd] cuppatgn 1n 1933, is In the <br />~ Three times a week In adnter and When Mles Ballet' went to the Stu p <br />~i , _city and will servo in a eJmf]ar ca- . <br />daily in summer; the- ~ dlsp~sarl- debater hospital bLss Dforan waxen ; <br />physicla,n s, 10 in;' number,. giving gaged and is gluing excellent serW Ce'Uaclty for the' children's hospital <br />' i I voluntary service oY'Lwo weeks each ~ Now the dispensary ~ association is, fund: - _,. <br />., f ~ atlernately, hold clinics for sick ba- i anxious to open a, ub-9 tatipn for the . The campaign -fe Dlanrled to .start ' <br />II - ~~ the first week In May. ''Com7rtlttees <br />'' blea..The mothera'. bring the •babtss- extension of the ',4rork and to meat will ~be~selected, team captaSns'cho'- <br />la-and are given •preacr4ptiona- aad.~adequately the Increasing demands <br />directions Yor the 'care of -~tbe ~ little! v an it. - sen and the city divided Snto ~ the- <br />i t'~.DP r, C , .'.A.. LTp-pTnc4it g~.vq th ~ -trlcta. -The 'A resent gUar[ers~ of [he <br />i ~ prayer oP.Invocation-`beseechfngdl- •asee Claffon at 1.040 W. Dlvlston st.,~ <br />'LAY CO•RNERSTON~ v(ne blessing upon th0 disepnsary (have been found to 'be entirely 1n- <br />- ~ - ~ and' those who are deco ting~-their `. ~ adequate ,and a few interested work- <br />~~ attorte`-to its welfave.~,~. 'ens have secured-the,elte oP the ne`w <br />DF DISPENSAR~TO ' hospital and started Lhe building. <br />Solves Problem -It is hoped that Yhe~communlty 'will <br />' 4 ': •~ ~. ~ Mayor- Seebirt d@cl~ted. that,-,the ~. respond to call Yor funds to coin- <br />' `S'AID ~~II;D HEAITH laying oY the cornerstonA of Chc riew "plate-the work 4or which there Js <br />!.bullding.;should t?@ au occesfopj OY Isuch an ur-gent need. <br />gretit gtgjfftoution.,,io_ tjte citk,,,,;,a,nd <br />' y//1 espec ally fo 'Shore women ~ ho have <br />^~~ 3ofa.S made it possible Tyre' dispeusary <br />;, 'Mayor Seebirt is Principal wifl''offer a solution to a great prob- <br />SQeaker at'.-W. Washinb fen,..ihe. mayor seta.. <br />_ "I am gratified that we may.dedi- <br />- 10II CerCIIlOIIIC6. ~cate this building to ~ the cause ~ of <br />- - ~ . th e'~good health and``atrent;th ot.'the'. <br />~~ The cornerstone of the new Chll- ,children oP South-. $end. ~" During. my <br />-dren's ;Dispensary'.and~~HosP1ta7, W. ndrp Jnistratlon, }tie have dedicated <br />~. Washington ay waa'~laid with',brlef two"hospitals and they tender a <br />'ceremonies Sunday afternoon: Mayor great service. ~ But this service ., 1s ' <br />1"' EIi~F Seebirt dellveredthe`addrese. <br />About'.. 2.06 people witnessed the the greater, ? ~ •. ~ - <br />i> - ~~`'When Itcomea to iestoring' _the <br />,ceremoriles,..and inspeclgd the build- physical health oY'the people, 1t ie <br />ing, the first"floor ~of which;, ie nearly i like ~ the tnoral and intellectual <br />- .completed.,:' _tl drum , and. .,,bugle health. Wn can't~do much' <br />A. <br />' Rican repair <br />