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It is not known who operated the station while under the license of the Indian <br />Oil Company. Steven Starzynski began working as an attendant for the station <br />at approximately the time that Texaco took over the operations. Starzynski who <br />was an electrician by trade lived nearby at 1801 Fasnacht at the time and was <br />presumably lacking work in his trade due to the economic depression of the <br />early thirties.[15] Sometime during the thirties, he bought the business. <br />During the mid thirties the station is identified with Robert Leer in <br />partnership with Stephen Starzynski.[16] In 1939 Starzynski_ is listed as the <br />sole proprietor of the station which continued to be identified with him until <br />near the time of his death. Sometime during the eighties, the petroleum <br />product switched to Marathon.[17] <br />In 1989, Starzynski stated that he would like to have sold the station but <br />that no one seemed interested in assuming the business. At that time he <br />attested to having an average of twenty -five customers a day.[17] Stephen <br />Starzynski passed away on October 11, 1990 at the age of eighty- three.[18] The <br />station remained open for some time under the management of Joseph Morrow but <br />is now closed. Though other similar structures remain in the city which have <br />undergone extensive alteration of appearance and use, this building is the <br />only remaining example of this building type which has been identified in the <br />Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory for retaining the integrity of <br />its original design.[2] Only one other early gas station in South Bend is <br />recognized in the Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory. However <br />that location is of a later design pattern having attached service bays. <br />NOTES <br />1. <br />Historic Preservation Commission Resolution No.3: <br />Historic Landmarks <br />Procedure Historic Landmarks Procedure (July 14, 1975). <br />2. <br />City of South Bend Summary Report - Indiana Historic <br />Sites and Structure <br />Inventory <br />(South Bend: 1992). <br />3. <br />Liebs, Chester, Mainstreet to Miracle Mile (Little Brown & Co., 1985). <br />4. <br />Vieyra, Daniel I., Filler Up (MacMillan, 1979). <br />5. <br />South Bend City Directory (Polk, 1912). <br />6. <br />South Bend City Directory (Polk, 1914). <br />7. <br />South Bend City Directory (Polk, 1921). <br />8. <br />Deed Records: 207:284. South Bend City Directory (Polk, <br />1928). <br />9. <br />South Bend City Directory (Polk, 1927). <br />10. <br />Deed Records: 207:284; 221:446. <br />11. <br />South Bend City Directory (Polk, 1927). <br />12. <br />South Bend City Directory (Polk, 1931). <br />13. <br />Deed Records: 245:458. <br />14. <br />Assessor's Card <br />15. <br />South Bend City Directory (Polk, 1932). <br />16. <br />South Bend City Directory (Polk, 1932 to 1938). <br />17. <br />South Bend Tribune: January 25, 1989 <br />18. <br />South Bend Tribune: (obit; Stephen Starzynski) October <br />12, 1990. <br />