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ordinance, or if such is not possible or practicable, then the same shall <br /> be entirely removed from such part of the street within 90 days after the <br /> passage and taking effect of this ordinance under the supervision of <br /> the Chief of Police. <br /> Section 47. School Zones. -- It shall be lairful for the Board <br /> of Public Safety to designate by appropriate signs points in the vicinity <br /> of public, private or parochial schools cautioning drivers of the pres- <br /> enoe of school children and to slow down their vehicles, and it shall be <br /> unlawful for drivers to refuse or neglect to obey such signs. <br /> Section 48. Zones of Quiet. -- The Board of Public Safety <br /> may declare any street or alley within two hundred feet of a hospital, <br /> infirmary, sanitarium, school, church or sick chamber to be Zones of <br /> Quiet, and when properly designated by signs by authority of the Board <br /> of Public Safety there shall be no ringing of bells, sounding of <br /> gongs or unnecessary noises within such zone. <br /> Section 49. Penalties for violatin . -- Every person convicted <br /> of a violation of any of the provisions, rules or regulations of this <br /> ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than Twenty-five <br /> Dollars; for any second or subsequent offense committed within one year <br /> after the first conviction, such person shall be punished by a fine of <br /> not less than Five Dollars nor more than Fifty Dollars, to which may <br /> be added imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding <br /> Thirty days, and in the event of a fine being assessed such convicted <br /> person shall be confined in the county jail until such fine and the <br /> costs are paid or replevied. <br /> Section 50. Saving Clause. -- If any section or provision <br /> of this ordinance shall be construed or held as void, it shall not <br /> affect the validity of any other provision or section which if standing <br /> alone shall be held valid. <br /> Section 51. Repeal. -- All ordinances or parts of ordinances <br /> in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. <br /> Section 52. Effect. -- This ordinance shall be in full force <br /> and effect from and after its passage and legal publication. i <br /> 0 <br /> -14— . /i.-ta ��!' a'■ <br /> uember of the Common ouncil. <br />