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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 22.2015 319 <br />recommendation be accepted and the bid be awarded as outlined above. Ms. Maradik seconded <br />the motion, which carried <br />TABLE REQUEST TO AWARD BID - HOTEL LASALLE RENOVATIONS BID <br />PACKAGE B, ROOFING, SOFFITS, AND SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM - <br />PROJECT NO. 115-033B (RWDA TIF) <br />Mr. Michael Carey, Engineering, advised the Board that on September 17, 2015, bids were <br />received and opened for the above referenced project. After reviewing those bids, Mr. Carey <br />recommended that the Board make a partial award of the contract to the lowest responsive and <br />responsible bidder Slatile Roofing and Sheet Metal Co., inc.. 1703 S. Ironwood Dr., South Bend, — <br />Indiana, in the amount of $244,218.00 for Item No. 1 only of the Base Bid. After discussion, it <br />was determined that Slatile did not submit their Acknowledgement of Addendum, but did meet <br />the requirements of the addendurn; submitted the revised bid form provided in the addendum; <br />and confirmed that they did receive the addendum. The other bidder, Midland Engineering Co., <br />Inc., did not submit a bid on Alternate A2. Attorney Michael Schmidt stated there were questions <br />about the award and availability of funds that came up late yesterday, so his recommendation <br />was to table this award for further review. Therefore, Mr. Relos made a motion to table the <br />request to award the bid. Ms. Maradik seconded the motion, which carried. <br />AWARD BID AND APPROVE CONTRACT - STATE ROAD 23 SIDEWALK FROM <br />PRAIRIE AVE, TO LOCUST RD. - PROJECT NO. 115-021 (MVH) <br />Mr. Michael Carey, Engineering, advised the Board that on September 17, 2015, bids were <br />received and opened for the above referenced project. After reviewing those bids, Mr. Carey <br />recommended that the Board award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder <br />Rieth-Riley Construction, Inc., PO Box 1775, South Bend, Indiana, in the amount of <br />$124,824.00. Therefore, Mr. Relos made a motion that the recommendation be accepted and the <br />bid be awarded and the contract approved as outlined above. Ms. Maradik seconded the motion, <br />which carried. <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO REJECT BIDS AND RE -ADVERTISE - CENTURY <br />CENTER MASONRY RESTORATION -PROJECT NO 115-015 (HOTEL/MOTET, TAX) <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Michael Carey, Engineering, requested permission to reject <br />all bids for the above referenced project due to the bids coming in over the budget for the project. <br />Mr. Carey stated he would like permission from the Board to re -advertise the project after the <br />specifications are revised to reduce the cost. Therefore, upon a motion made by Mr. Relos, <br />seconded by Mr. Mueller and carried, the above request was approved. <br />AWARD QUOTATION - FIRE DEPARTMENT STATION NO 6 PORCH ENCLOSURE <br />(FIRE DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS) <br />Mr. Todd Skwarcan, Fire Department, advised the Board that on September 8, 2015, quotations <br />were received and opened for the above referenced project. After reviewing those quotations, <br />Assistant Chief Skwarcan recommended that the Board award the contract to the lowest <br />responsive and responsible bidder, Cabbit Concrete, 51703 Sardlewood Court, Granger, Indiana, <br />46530, in the amount of $9,900.00. Therefore, Mr. Relos made a motion that the <br />recommendation be accepted and the quotation be awarded as outlined above. Ms. Maradik <br />seconded the motion, which carried. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 - IGNITION PARK INFRASTRUCTURE PHASE 1C - <br />PRO.IECT NO. 114-063A (RWDA TIT) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change Order No. 4 on behalf <br />of Walsh & Kelly, Inc., 24358 State Road 23, South Bend, Indiana 46614, indicating the <br />Contract amount be increased by $111,000.00 for a new Contract sum, including this Change <br />Order, in the amount of $3,898,035.51. Upon a motion made by Mr. Relos, seconded by Ms. <br />Maradik and carried, the Change Order was approved. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.2 - WESTERN AVENUE CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS <br />-PROJECT NO. 114-033B (MAJOR MOVES/RWDA TIF) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change Order No. 2 on behalf <br />of Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc., 25200 State Road 23, South Bend, Indiana 46614, <br />indicating an increase of $21,667.62 for a new Contract sum, including this change order, in the <br />amount of $958,846.31. Upon a motion made by Mr. Relos, seconded by Ms. Maradik and <br />carried, the Change Order was approved. <br />