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South Bend Municipal ID Card Program Ordinance <br /> Page 7 <br /> 5. Implementation Process and Program Information to be Posted on City's Website. <br /> The Program Administrator is authorized to adopt additional rules and regulations which <br /> are consistent with this ordinance, in order to implement and administer the issuance of South <br /> Bend Municipal ID Cards. Any additional rules and regulations deemed necessary by the Program <br /> Administrator shall be filed in the Office of the City Clerk, who shall maintain them with this <br /> ordinance and send them electronically to members of the Common Council and maintain a copy <br /> of all such rules and regulations with this ordinance. Such regulations may include but not be <br /> limited to a procedure for payment of fees in monthly installments without interest by an indigent <br /> person, who is defined as a person without the means to pay the fee, which would be a similar <br /> monthly process as the provisions set forth in Section 1-24 of the South Bend Municipal Code;2 as <br /> well as establishing a process for an indigent person's waiver of a fee in its entirety, as determined <br /> by the Program Administrator, on a case by case basis. <br /> Within ten (10) business days of a Council Resolution being adopted, as addressed in If 3 of this <br /> ordinance, the City shall develop a link to information on the City's website which is devoted to <br /> the South Bend Municipal ID Card Program. Key program information shall be highlighted and <br /> it shall permit a copy of this ordinance to be accessed as well as the Council Resolution required <br /> in order for the implementation of the South Bend Municipal ID Card Program to take place. If <br /> any additional rules and regulations become necessary,those shall also be made available from the <br /> city's website. <br /> 6. Fees. <br /> Fees shall be charged for each South Bend Municipal ID Card issued. The Common <br /> Council shall set the maximum fee amounts by Resolution, upon compliance by the Department <br /> of Administration and Finance and the Council and their committees as further addressed in¶3 a. <br /> of this ordinance. <br /> 7. Proof of Residency for City Services and Programs; Pre-Emption. <br /> a. Any city service or city program which requires proof of identity or proof of residency <br /> shall accept a South Bend Municipal ID Card issued by the city, unless it can be shown that the <br /> card has been alerted or improperly issued; is an unauthorized duplicate; or a counterfeit <br /> reproduction. <br /> b. This section is not intended to replace any other existing requirements for issuance of other <br /> 2 South Bend Municipal Code Section 1-24 authorizes payment of$5.00 per month by any indigent person of a fine <br /> ordered to be paid by a court. <br />