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existing approach grades as now maintained; said depression <br />at the lowest point shall not be lower than elevation forty - <br />nine ninety -three (49.93) as expressed in City of South Bend <br />datum; the vertical clearance shall be a minimum at thirteen <br />(131) feet as measured between the surface of the streets as <br />fixed above, and the bottom of the bridge superstructure over <br />said streets; the approach grade on said Division Street shall <br />be an ascending grade not greater than three and twenty -five <br />one - hundredths (3.25*) feet to each one hundred (1001) feet in <br />an easterly and westerly direction from said superstructure, <br />such approach grades to be extended until the present street <br />grade of said Division Street has been intersected; the approach <br />grade on said Walnut Street north of Division Street shall be <br />an ascending grade not greater than three and twenty -five one- <br />hundredths (3.251) feet to each one Hundred (1001) feet and <br />shall be extended northerly from the superstructure until the <br />present grade of said Walnut Street has been intersected; the <br />approach grade on said Walnut Street south from Division Street <br />shall be an ascending grade not greater than three and twenty - <br />five one - hundredths (3.251) feet to each one hundred (1001) <br />feet and shall be extended southerly from the south property <br />line of Division Street until the present street grade of said <br />Walnut Street has been intersected; the roadway of said Division <br />Street beneath the superstructure shall be fifty -two (521) feet <br />in width between curb lines with center line and curb line <br />superstructure supports, said roadway to be located symetrically <br />about the center line of Division Street with a width of eighty <br />(801) feet between property lines; the roadway of said Walnut <br />Street shall be thirty (301) feet in width between curb lines <br />with curb line superstructure supports only, said roadway to be <br />located symetrically about the center line of walnut Street <br />extending northerly from Division Street with a width of forty - <br />eight (48t) feet between property lines; the roadway of that <br />part of said Walnut Street extending southerly from the south <br />property line of Division Street shall be thirty (301) feet in <br />width between curb lines,, said roadway to be located symetrically <br />about the center line of Walnut Street extending southerly from <br />the south property line of Division Street with a width of sixty <br />(601) feet between property lines. <br />(2) At the intersection of Walnut Street with the tracks <br />of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company and with the tracks <br />of the New York Central Railroad Company (Illinois Division) the <br />surface of said Walnut Street shall be depressed nine and ninety - <br />five one - hundredths (9.95!) feet below the average level of said <br />street at the ends of existing approach grades as now maintained; <br />said depression, at the lowest point, shall not be lower than <br />elevation forty -eight sixty -six (48.66) as expressed in City of <br />South Bend datum; the vertical clearance shall be a minimum at <br />twelve (121) feet as measured between the surface of the street <br />as fixed above, and the bottom of the bridge superstructure over <br />said street; the approach grade on said °talnut Street shall be <br />an ascending uniform grade extending northerly from the super- <br />structure to the present south curb line of Huron Street and also <br />an ascending uniform grade extending southerly from the super- <br />structure to the present north curb line of Ford Street; the road- <br />way of said'7alnut Street beneath the superstructure shall be <br />thirty (301) feet in width between curb lines with curb line <br />superstructure supports only; said roadway to be located symet- <br />rically about the center line of '.walnut Street with a width of <br />sixty (601) feet between property lines. <br />(3) At the intersection of Division Street with the track <br />-2- <br />