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ORDINANCE NO. O u;�—1 <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION 1. <br />That whereas on the 3rd day of January, 1930, the Board of <br />PublicWakksa of the City of South Bend adopted Resolution No. 5 for <br />the separation of grades of certain railroads as shown herein where <br />the same intersect certain streets in said City; and <br />Whereas, after notice and hearing as provided by law, the <br />said Board of Public Works did on the lst day of April, 1930, modify <br />said Resolution to read as follows: <br />RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF TIM CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />That it is deemed necessary that the grade crossing of <br />the tracks of The New York Central Railroad Company, formerly the <br />Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway Company, at the inter- <br />section of said tracks with Division Street, walnut Street, and <br />Cherry Street, in the City of South Bend, Indiana, be altered by <br />elevating said tracks at said intersections. Also, the grade <br />crossing of the tracks of the Grand Trunk western Railroad <br />Company and the tracks of The New York Central Railroad Company <br />(Illinois Division) at the intersection of said tracks with <br />,Walnut Street, in the City of South Bend, Indiana, be altered <br />by depressing said street under said tracks at their present <br />elevation. Also, the grade crossing of the tracks of The New <br />York Central Railroad Company (Main Line) at the intersection <br />of said tracks with Arnold Street, in the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, be altered by raising said tracks at said intersection. <br />Also, the grade crossing of the track of the New Jersey, Indiana <br />& Illinois Railroad Company and the track of The New York Central <br />Railroad Company's connecting track to the Michigan Central Rail- <br />way at the ihtersection of said tracks with Division Street, <br />in the City of South Bend, Indiana, be altered by raising said <br />tracks at said intersection. The change in grade of said inter- <br />secting streets, the amount in feet of the vertical clearance <br />at each intersection as measured between the surface of each of <br />such streets as proposed by such new depressed grade, and the <br />bottom of the superstructure over the same together with proposed <br />roadway widths beneath said superstructure shall be as follows, <br />to -wit: <br />(1) At the intersection of Division Street and Walnut <br />Street with the tracks of The New York Central Railroad Company, <br />the surfaces of said Division Street and said Walnut Street <br />shall be• depressed nine and seventy -six one - hundredths (9.761) <br />feet below the average grade level of said streets at the end of <br />