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332. Oil <br />333. Tires and Tubes <br />334. Other Garage & Motor Supplies <br />4. Materials <br />42. Sewer <br />44. General <br />45. Repair Parts <br />451. Parts of Equipment <br />7. Properties <br />72. Equipment <br />724. Motor <br />:90.00 <br />200.00 <br />75.00 <br />1,000.00 <br />100.00 <br />150.00 <br />900.00 <br />413,265.00 <br />Detailed Classification <br />STREET DEPARTMENT- GARBAGE <br />2. Services- Contractual <br />25. Repairs <br />252. Repairs of Equipment 40100.00 <br />26. Services -Other Contractual 24.700.00 <br />424,800.00 <br />Detailed Classification <br />ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT <br />1. Services - Personal <br />City Engineer 42,904.00 <br />Clerk 1,188.00 <br />Draftsman (Pd. 084.00 add'1 from City Plan) 696.00 <br />Transitman 1,000.00 <br />5,788.00 <br />2. Services- Contractual <br />21. Communication and 'Transportation <br />212. Postage <br />20.00 <br />214. Telephone and Telegraph <br />10.00 <br />215. Transportation Allowances <br />600.00 <br />24. Printing and Advertising <br />243. Photographing & Blue Printing <br />50.00 <br />3. Supplies <br />33. Garage and Motor <br />331. Gasoline <br />210.00 <br />