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332. Oil 025.00 <br />333. Tires and Tubes 30.00 <br />36. Office 100.00 <br />Detailed Classification <br />BUILDING DEPARTMENT <br />1. Services- Personal <br />11. Salaries and Wages, regular <br />Building Commissioner 41,980.00 <br />Chief Electrical Inspector 1,584.00 <br />Electrical Inspector 11320.00 <br />Clerk (Pd. w384.00 add'1 from City Plan 696.00 <br />5,580.00 <br />2. Services- Contractual <br />21. Communication and Transportation <br />212. Postage 25.00 <br />215. Transportation Allowances 900.00 <br />3. Supplies <br />36. Office 400.00 <br />Detailed Classification <br />CEMETERY DEPARTMENT <br />1. Services - Personal <br />11. Salaries and Wages, regular <br />Sexton <br />41,188.00 <br />Labor (1 Man) <br />960.00 <br />2,148.00 <br />12. Salaries and Tages, temporary <br />4,000.00 <br />2. Services- Contractual <br />212. Postage <br />35.00 <br />22. heat, Light, Power and Water <br />221. Furnishing Electric Current <br />25.00 <br />25. Repairs <br />251. Repairs of Buildings & Structures <br />150.00 <br />252. Repairs of Equipment <br />180.00 <br />3.. Supplies <br />32. Fuel and Ice <br />321. Coal <br />40.00 <br />3 <br />46,8A3.00 <br />46,905.00 <br />