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7. Properties <br />71. Buildings and Structures & Improvements <br />712. Other Structures 0`300.00 <br />72. Equipment <br />725. Office 575.00 <br />73. Land (Pmt, of cont, for NW Fire Ste.) 1,000.00 <br />0107,361.00 <br />Detailed Classification <br />STREET DEPARTVJENT- STREETS; ALLEYS & BRIDGES <br />1. Services - Personal <br />11. Salaries & Wages, regular <br />Street Commissioner 11650.00 <br />General Foreman 11782.00 <br />Clerk :22.00 per week 11144.00 <br />Engineer 70¢ per hour (part time) 819.00 <br />One Mechanic X4.75 per day 1,487.20 <br />Three Mechanics 44.40 per day 4,118,40 <br />One Night Mechanic 44¢ per hour 1,281.28 <br />Five Foremen :4.40 per day 6,864.00 <br />W.P.A. Labor 44¢ per hour, 16,380 hrs. 7,207.20 <br />Labor 110,561 hours a 44¢ 48,646,92 <br />75,000.00 <br />2. Services- Contractual <br />21. Communication and Transportation <br />211. Freight, Express and Drayage <br />25.00 <br />212. Postage <br />10.00 <br />215. Transportation Allowances <br />600.00 <br />22. Fieat, Light, Power and Water <br />221. Furnishing Electric Current <br />300.00 <br />25. Repairs <br />251. Repairs of Buildings & Structures <br />75.00 <br />252. Repairs of Equipment <br />1,400.00 <br />3. Supplies <br />32. Fuel and Ice <br />321. Coal <br />1,000.00 <br />