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DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />Detailed Classification <br />OFFICE OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY <br />1. Services - Personal <br />11. Salaries and Wages, regular <br />Clerk (-j charged to Dept. of Safety) 4825.00 <br />Custodians (2) 20112.00 <br />Telephone Operator 924.00 <br />Street Commissioner 440.00 <br />4,301.00 <br />2. Services- Contractual <br />21. <br />Communication and Transportation <br />212. Postage <br />50.00 <br />214. Telephone and Telegraph <br />20600.00 <br />22. <br />Heat, Light, Power and water <br />221. Furnishing Electric Current <br />(a) Streets <br />922000.00 <br />(b) Buildings <br />1,500.00 <br />222. Furnishing Gas <br />35.00 <br />24. <br />Printing and Advertising <br />241. Advertising & Publication of Notices <br />150.00 <br />211. <br />Repairs <br />251. Repairs of Buildings and Structures <br />(a) Fire Stations <br />750.00 <br />(b) City Ball <br />400.00 <br />252. Repairs of Equipment <br />300.00 <br />3. Supplies <br />32. <br />Fuel and Ice <br />321. Coal <br />1,200.00 <br />36. <br />Office <br />200.00 <br />38. <br />General Supplies <br />400.00 <br />5. Current Charges <br />51. <br />Insurance and Premiums <br />1,200.00 <br />53. <br />Refunds, Awards, & Indemnities <br />250.00 <br />54. <br />Rents <br />150.00 <br />