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LE <br />motor vehicle inspected is safe for operation on the public <br />highways in the City of South Bend. <br />Section 14e The Board is authorized, in the interest <br />of safety, to inspect motor vehicles operated upon the public <br />highways in the City of South Bend and which are not owned by <br />residents of the City of South Bend or by any person, firm or <br />corporation maintaining a place of business in the City of <br />South Bend, as in this ordinance required, and to issue or refuse <br />to issue certificates of successful passage of inspection, as in <br />this ordinance provided; but, in such event, the person <br />presenting said vehble for inspection shall pay the same fees for <br />said inspection* when a certificate of approval has been issued, <br />as in this ordinance provided. <br />Section 15. Upon the issuance of any certificate <br />of satisfactory passage of inspection, the Board shall charge and <br />collect from the person presenting the vehicle for inspection the <br />sum of fifty cents provided, however, that not more than one <br />dollar in fees shall be charged by said Board for certificates <br />issued with respect to any particular motor vehicle within the <br />period of any twelve months, and provided, further, that no fee <br />shall be charged or collected from the State of Indiana, the <br />United States of America or from any municipal corporation of the <br />State of Indiana. <br />All monies collected by the Board under the provisions of this <br />ordinance shall be deposited daily with the Controller, <br />who shall credit.the same to an account of the general fund, to <br />be known as "The Yotor Vehicle Inspection Fund% and shall be <br />used to defray cost of buildings and equipment and the operating <br />and maintenance expenses of said Board in the performance of said <br />tests. <br />Section I6e Any person who shall violate any of the <br />provisions of this ordinance or shall fail or refuse toobey <br />any police order given hereunder or in accordance with the motor <br />vehicle law of the State of Indiana shall, upon conviction, be <br />fined in any sum not exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and, upon <br />failure to pay such fine and costs, may be imprisoned until they <br />are paid, not exceeding sixty days. Each day's violation of this <br />ordinance shall consttltute: a separate offense; provided, however, <br />that no owner will be deemed guilty of willfully violating the <br />terms of this ordinance who shall possess a certificate lawfully <br />Issued within the last inspection period and who has not yet <br />received notice to present his motor vehicle for reinspection in <br />the next succeeding period, unless more than six months shall <br />have expired since the date of the last inspection. <br />Section 17e The Board of Public Tafka and Safety of <br />the City of South Bend is hereby authorized to issue and <br />promulgate such rules and regulations as may be found necessary <br />to administer this ordinance, and in keeping with the motor <br />