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remove the name plate, identification tag or parts from any <br />bicycle, or sell or attempt to sell any bicycle or parts <br />thereof when they are not the registered owner thereof or with- <br />out the consent of the registered owner thereof. <br />Section XI. <br />The Police Department of the city of South Bend, <br />Indiana is authorized to impound and hold, any bicycle not <br />displaying an identification tag until the owner thereof shall <br />submit the certificate of registration thereof to the Police <br />Department for inspection. <br />Section XII. <br />The registration of bicycles shall be under the <br />supervision Of the Board of Safety of the city of South Bend, <br />Indiana. A fee of ten (10�) cents shall be charged for the <br />registration of bicycles in conformity with this ordinance. <br />Section XIIIr <br />Any person violating any provision of this ordinance <br />shall be fined in any sum not to exceed One Hundred ($$100) Dollars. <br />Section XIV. <br />Said ordinance shall be in full force and effect from <br />and after its passage and legal publication. <br />Section Xy. <br />All ordinances and parts of ordinances of said city, <br />in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. <br />h P <br />MEMBER O THE COMMON COUNCIL. <br />tis <br />