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3. It shall keep an easily accessible record of all violations of which each person has <br />been guilty during the preceding 12 months, whether such guilt was established in court or in <br />the traffic violations bureau. <br />4. If a violator of the restrictions on stopping or parking under traffic ordinances of <br />this city does not a ppear in response to a notice affixed to such motor vehicle within a period <br />of 48 hours, the traffic violations department shall -send to the owner of the motor vehicle to <br />which the notice was affixed a letter informing him of the violation and warning him that he <br />will be hild responsible for the appearance of the offender and that in the event such letter <br />is disregarded for a period of five (5) days a complaint will be filed and a warrant of arrest <br />issued. <br />5. In the event any person fails to comply with a notice as provided in the preceding <br />paragraph or fails to make appearance pursuant to a summons directing an appearance in the traf- <br />fic violations department, or if any person fails or refuses to deposit bail as provided and <br />within the time permitted by ordinance, the traffic violations department shall forthwith have <br />a complaint entered against such person and secure and issue warrant for his arrest. Such de- <br />partment shall not accept any fine or bail for such persons, but shall consider every such per- <br />son entirely underthe jurisdiction of the court. <br />Section 26. TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS DEPARTMENT TO KEEP RECORDS. -- The traffic violations department <br />shall keep records and submit summerized monthly reports to the judge of the city court of all <br />notices issued and arrests made for violations of the traffic ordinances of this city and of <br />all the fines collected by the traffic violations department or the court, and of the final dis- <br />position or present status of every case of violation of the provisions of the ordinance. Such <br />records shall be so maintained as to show all types of violations and the totals of each. Said <br />records shall be public records. <br />Section 27, FORMS FOR NOTICES OF ARREST OR APPEARANCE. -- The board of Safety shall provide in <br />triplicate serially numbered forms for notifying violators to appear and answer charges of vio- <br />lating the traffic ordinances of this city and or the state traffic laws. Such forms shall be <br />issued to and receipted for by the commanding officer of the traffic bureau or other person act- <br />ing for him, according to serial numbers appearing on such forms. The commanding officer of the <br />traffic bureau shall when necessary distribute such forms for notices of arrest to officers of <br />the police department, who shall sign receipts therefor according to serial number. The command- <br />ing officer of the traffic bureau or other person acting for him shall receive from and receipt <br />for copies of such notices delivered by officers of the police department as provided for by <br />this ordinance, and shall prepare monthly a statement showing by serial numbers the notices <br />issued and the disposal of such notices by all officers of the police department. Such state- <br />ment shall be a public record. <br />All officers of the police department in making arrests for violations of the state traffic <br />laws or traffic ordinances of this city shall issue in writing a notice of violation as provided <br />for by this ordinance, whether the person charged with the violation is held in custody or re- <br />leased. <br />Section 28. CERTIFIED RECORD OF DISPOSAL OF FORMS OF NOTICE TO VIOLATORS. -- The clerk of the <br />city court shall each month report to the board of public safety the number of notices of <br />violations issued by officers of the police department, and the number of such notices presented <br />by persons receiving them either to the traffic violations department or the city court. For <br />this purpose the clerk of the city court shall make use of copies of such notices delivered by <br />police officers as provided for by this ordinance. The report shall be certified as correct by <br />the clerk of the city court and shall be public record. <br />Section 29. EFFECT OF SWORN COMPLAINT.— Whenever any complaint charging a traffic law violation <br />is sworn to by a police officer or other competent person, such complaint shall be accepted as <br />conclusive evidence of the facts alleged therein in the absence of evidence to the contrary. <br />It is the purpose of this section to permit the entering of a judgment upon the basis of a sworn <br />complaint without requiring the appearance or oral testimony of the person so making such com- <br />plaint, where the defendant makes no appearance or pleads guilty. <br />5. <br />