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Section 14. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO DESIGNATE CROSSWALKS, ESTABLISH SAFETY ZONES, AND MARK <br />TRAFFIC LANES -- The city traffic engineer is hereby authorized:' <br />1. To designate and maintain, by appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface of <br />the roadway, crosswalks at intersections where in his opinion there is particular danger to <br />pedestrians crossing the roadway, and at such other places as he may deem nedessary; <br />2. To establish safety zones of such kind and character and at such places as may deem <br />necessary for the protection of pedestrians; <br />3. To mark lanes for traffic on state pavements at such places as he may deem advisable, <br />consistent with the traffic ordinances of this city. <br />Section 15. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO MIRK NO LEFT TURNS AND PLACE MARKERS INDICATING METHOD <br />OF TURNS. -- <br />(a) The City traffic engineer is hereby authorized to determine those intersections at <br />which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left, or "U" turn, and shall place proper <br />signs at such intersections. <br />(b) The city traffic engineer is authorized to place markers buttons, or signs with in or <br />adjacdnt to intersections indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such in- <br />tersections, and such course to be traveled as so indicated may conform to or be otherwise then <br />that prescribed by law or ordinance. <br />Section 16. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO DESIGNATE DISTANCES WHERE PARKING WOULD BE HAZARDOUS OR <br />DELAY TRAFFIC.— city traffic engineer is hereby authorized to determine and designate by <br />proper signs distances not exceeding 100 feet at places where the stopping or parking of veh- <br />icles would create an especially hazardous condition or would cause unusual delay to traffic. <br />Section 17, EMERGENCY AND EXPERIMENTAL REGULATIONS.- - <br />(a) The city traffic engineer, by and with the approval of the commanding officer of the <br />traffic bureau, is hereby authorized and empowered to make regulations necessary to make effec- <br />tive and provisions of the traffic ordinances of this city and to make and enforce temporary <br />regulations to cover emergencies or special conditions. <br />(b) The city traffic engineer, by and with the approval of the commanding officer of the <br />traffic bureau, may snake temporary rules regulating traffic or test traffic control devices. <br />under actual conditions of traffic. No such experimental rule regulating traffic shall remain <br />in effect for more than 90 days. <br />ARTICLE V <br />Traffic Violations Department <br />Section 24. TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS DEPARTMENT CREATED. -- <br />(a) The judge of the city court is hereby authorized to establish a traffic violations <br />department to assist the court with the clerical work of traffic cases. The department shall <br />be in charge of such person or persons and shall function during such hours as the city judge <br />may designate. <br />(b) The magistrate hearing traffic cases may designate the fines to be , <br />the for first <br />second, and third offenses which may be satisfied by payment of the same at the department, <br />provided said fines are within the limits established as penalties for violations of the pro- <br />visions of the traffic laws and regulations of this city. <br />Section 25. DUTIES OF TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS DEPARTMENT.-- The following duties are hereby imposed <br />upon the traffic violations department: <br />1. It shall accept fines which may be designated by the court, issue receipts and. re- <br />present in court such violators as are permitted and desire to plead guilty, waive court <br />appearance and give power of attorney. <br />2. It shall receive and issue receipts for cash bail from the persons who must or wish <br />to be heard in court, enter the time of their appearance on the court docket and notify the <br />arresting officer and witnesses, if any, to be present. <br />4. <br />