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section 141: Long oval or straight back hoppers are prohibited e$» <br />oept for anti -frost closets. 1111 such nova in use when out of repair or <br />condemned by the Plumbing Inspector shall be removed. <br />Section 142% No urinal shall be placed over or in close proximity <br />to wood. some non - absorbent material shall be used, such as slate, hard <br />marble, or Portland cement smoothly troweled. <br />Urinal floors shall be directly connected to a drain soil or waste <br />pipe; a deep seal or drum trap. shall be used and arrangements for flush- <br />ing the some in all uses. <br />The use of galvanized iron urinal trough is hereby prohibited. <br />Section 143: ?1m6d. wooden wash trays or sinks are prohibited in <br />apy building or pert of building designed or used for human habitation. <br />Section 144; Wbere water closets or other plumbing fixtures are <br />pluocd under a sidewalk, street, alley or other like place, adjoining and <br />opening into the basement of any building, each and every fixture so <br />placed s1w11 be ventilated in the same manner as is provided for other <br />plumbing Fixtures in this ordinance, and the water closet compartments <br />shall be adequately lighted and ventilated, and the bowls of such closets <br />mast be caulked to the soil pipe or securely bolted to a cast iron flange, <br />or provided with an approved sorer connections <br />Seotion 145: When bathroom or toilet room fixtures or sinks are <br />replaced by modern fixtures, the waste connections under the floor trapping <br />and vent pipes shall conform to these Rules and Regulations, the same as <br />in a new building. <br />Section 146: copper lined wooden bath tubs shall not be installed, <br />shall any old fixture of this olase be reconnected. <br />Section 147: Air supply for beer pumps shell be taken from the <br />outside of the building;. <br />Secttion 148: Overflow pipes from cisterns shall not connect direotly <br />with any house sewer, but drain pipes from bottom of cistern may oonneot <br />with the sewer if properly valved. <br />Section 149t Every dwelling house, .hotel, fee tort', store, or other <br />building in which plumbing or house drainage work or arrangements are to <br />be placed shall be oonnected with the publia sewer and with the publio <br />